New Platform of the Georg Eckert Institute on International Educational Media Research
With the support of the German Research Foundation, the Georg Eckert Institute will establish Edumeres, a platform for information and communication on international research on textbooks and other educational media, which will enable scholars from all over the world to interactively exchange their research results and experiences.
This is a particularly innovative and forward-looking undertaking for an area of research and work that is not established as an independent discipline, but rather shaped by a high level of interdisciplinarity. The platform will adopt the function of a hub in which different approaches and knowledge can be collected and structured, thus exponentiating traditional methods of generating knowledge, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Edumeres will, however, not only provide a wealth of new opportunities for cooperation and discussion for academics; it will also support and secure academic exchange pertaining to educational media between and within research, teaching and school instruction. Working towards societal relevance in this way is an important aspect of the Georg Eckert Institute’s work.
A specially assigned area has been created for publishing research results on current issues, concepts and methods relevant to international educational media that have been attained using these new paths. The various publications will be rendered fully accessible via clear divisions into various categories.
Edumeres further aims to establish a true ePublishing system with quotable (URN) and durable securities via document servers/repositories.
The platform is currently undergoing a construction and test phase, supported by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, and will be available with initial contents and functions shortly.
Contact: Roderich Henrÿ; Andreas L. Fuchs