Completed Projects
- "Acoustic Memory"
- 'Black Hours' and 'Golden Times' - European Urban Fates. Three case studies
- 1913 and 2013 – Student Life in Braunschweig
- Between School and Mosque: A Comparative Analysis of Textbooks for Religious Instruction in Turkish Language
- Children and their World
- CLARIN-D Working Group on History
- Competition and Convergence: Images of Europe in German and French Textbooks from 1900 to the Present Day
- Constructions of the Turkish Self-image in Textbooks for Turkish as a Heritage Language
- Cooperation with Central Asia in the field of textbooks
- COST-Project "Social Psychological Dynamics of Historical Representations in The Enlarged European Union"
- Curricula Workstation
- Data curation for historical educational media research
- DATAFIED: DATA For and In EDucation - The construction of school in a datafied society
- Democracy Education as a Focus of Education Policy: An Analysis of Curricula in Lower Saxony (CuDeBi)
- DEUFRAMAT: German-French materials
- digDAS: Digital Media And German Schools Abroad
- Digital Resilience
- Digital Teaching And Learning
- Doing gender in Arabic textbooks
- Edtech 4.0?
- Education, Technology and Inequality after Corona (ETIC): A Critical Utopian Approach
- Educational Films in Politics and Teaching: An international perspective on the introduction and effectiveness of a new educational medium, 1918 to 1939
- Educational Media: Production, Practice, Politics
- Edumeres
- Electronic Media in The Classroom: A qualitative study on the use of notebook computers (one computer for each student) in the first and second phases of German secondary education
- Environmental Change, Peace and Education
- Europe’s Forgotten Centre
- EurViews. Europe in textbooks
- FaBuLoUS: Supporting schools by teaching and learning in FabLabs
- GEI-Digital
- globalDAS: Global Citizenship at German Schools Abroad
- Historical Constructions and Nation Formation
- Historical Thinking With Digital Media: A Comparative Study of mBook Use
- Histories in Motion. Memory Practices, History Cultures and Historic Learning within the German Migration Society
- History of the Georg Eckert Institute
- Human Rights Education in Croatia. - An empirical study
- Innovative History Education For All
- International Terrorism Discourses
- International TextbookCat
- Islam in German Primers
- Knowledge about Africa: Discourses and Practices of Textbook Development in Germany and England, 1945–1995
- Knowledge Production in a Hybrid Age: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Producing Textbooks and Digital Educational Media
- Laptops in The Classroom
- Learning to Disagree
- Leibniz working group on Migration and Education in Germany since 1945
- Lost in Translation?
- Memory Practices: Enacting And Contesting The Curriculum in Contemporary Classrooms
- Migration in Textbooks: A comparative Research Project
- Motivating Participation in Digital Teaching Scenarios
- New Knowledge in New Media? Teaching Social Studies and the Challenges of Medial Change and an Increasingly Open Society during the Twentieth Century
- On the significance of the Holocaust in school education. A Global Inventory of Textbooks and Curricula
- Palgrave Handbook of Textbook Studies
- Populist Discourse And Claims to Authenticity in Brazil, India And Ukraine
- Postdigital media constellations in education
- Preventing Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E)
- Radical Islam versus radical anti-Islam (RIRA)
- Reconfigurations of Educational In/Equality In a Digital World (RED)
- Reimagining Literacy Education: Being literate in the twenty-first century
- Report on Palestinian Textbooks (PalTex)
- Representation of Jewish history, culture and religion in textbooks in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Revisiting Multicultural Past as a Value via Digital Challenge to Historical Narratives in Turkey
- Roma in European Textbooks and Curricula
- Schools in the Cloud: Research Accompanying The Introduction of the School Cloud
- School Textbooks and Religion
- Supporting Educators in their Work with Young Refugees
- Teaching The Cold War - Memory Practices in The Classroom
- Teaching The Teachers: A Multi-Perspective Approach to The First World War in The Classroom
- Textbooks and Anti-ziganism: The Portrayal of Sinti and Roma in Current German Curricula and Textbooks
- Textbooks put to the Test
- The Discourse of EdTech
- The European Union in German Textbooks. A Study on Civic Education
- The Influence of Transnational Education on The Relationship Between The League of Nations And China in The Interwar Period
- The Institutionalisation of Socialist Cultural Patterns of Interpretation
- The Learning Culture within the Digital Shift: Ethnographic Studies of Schools and Teaching (LernDiWa)
- Theoretical And Methodological Challenges Facing Future Research Into Education Media
- The Reformation in Educational Media
- Transnational Discourses on Education – Focus on Religion
- Transnational Solidarities: A Study of Schools Promoting A European Ethos
- Unmasking Racism: Guidelines for Educational Materials
- Upper Silesia and its cultural heritage
- Visual History. Institutions and media of image memory
- VR in EdTech
- WorldViews. The World in Textbooks
- ‘Achievement’ in Historic Textbooks – DiaCollo for GEI Digital