Current Projects
- COMPOUNDS – the challenge of compound subjects
- Depictions of Islam in Textbooks
- Digital Citizenship Education: Using ‘Serious Games’ as Interventions
- Digital Inequalities. Divides, Hierarchies, and Boundaries in Germany, 1970s to 1990s (DigIneq)
- Digitisation and indexing of historical textbooks on religious education and development of a knowledge base for educational history research
- Edumeres Toolbox
- European Forum for Reconciliation and Cooperation in History and Social Sciences Education
- Europe’s Forgotten Centre
- GEI-Usability Lab
- Generative AI as an educational medium. An interview study exploring the implementation of specific AI for schools in classrooms
- GeschAIt. A project contributing to the empirically-based construction of theories in the field of human-machine interactions with generative AI within historical and political education.
- GLOTREC|Cat (Research and Development)
- Hi-Story Lessons: Teaching and Learning about Europe
- How Jewish history, culture and religion has been depicted in textbooks and history magazines since the 1970s
- Nuances – Teaching Materials for Classroom Diversity
- Played Problems - 'Decisions' as a Category of Knowledge in Post-Digital Milieus and Serious Games
- Radical Islam versus radical anti-Islam (RIRA)
- Reflections: Educating for Critical Thinking, Inclusive Societies and Dynamic Engagement
- Religion-based Anti-Semitism in Textbooks and Lessons – Part of the joint project "Christian Features of Contemporary Antisemitism – Research, Analysis, Communication" (ChriSzA)
- School Textbooks in the MENA Region
- Specialised Information Service (Fachinformationsdienst, FID) on Educational Science and Education Research
- Stories of Diversity from Ukraine, Poland and Turkey
- Systematic monitoring of digital services
- Teaching Disputed History
- Textbook Histories: The Partition of India and Inter-Community Relations
- The Digital Transformation of School Education in China: Policies, Governance Structures and Local Stakeholders (D-Trac)
- The Semantics of Crisis of Europe and the European Subject in Twentieth Century Textbooks
- What are the Limits of the Sayable in Afghan Discourses?
- Writing the Nation in Afghanistan. A Comparison of School Textbooks for History and Patriotism (2001-2021)