Johannes Barth: Vibrant Memory Production: Eine neomaterialistische Analyse der Produktionsweisen interaktiver 3D-Zeugnisse von Überlebenden der NS Verbrechen
Eckert.Dossiers 1 (2024) urn:nbn:de:0220-2024-003
The 'Eckert. Dossiers' series publishes edited volumes, including those resulting from conferences on educational media. It also allows working papers and interim research reports to be published online with a short turnaround time yet still with editorial quality control. 'Eckert. Dossiers' are exclusively online publications.
Sonstige Studien (other studies) includes older series ('Eckert.Working Papers' and 'Eckert.Analysen') as well as articles by the GEI that have not been published in other GEI publications.