GEI Strategy Forums

The strategy forums provide a space for the collaborative development of guidelines and rationales for cross-cutting institutional areas. Members contribute their academic knowledge, their specific skills, expertise and interests to these results-oriented, temporary forums, which support the Institute’s strategic and long-term positioning within its field.

Current Strategy Forums

  • Sustainability

    The strategy forum on sustainability is investigating ecological sustainability within the GEI. The members of the strategy forum are analysing the current situation at the Institute and are working, in consultation with the rest of the Institute staff, on a range of ideas to improve sustainability.

  • On-/Offboarding

    The strategy forum for onboarding/offboarding is developing recommendations designed to improve the onboarding and offboarding processes at the GEI, in order to give new employees the smoothest possible start at the institute and to provide the best possible support when employees leave.

Former Strategy Forums

  • Quality Assurance


    The members of the strategy forum on ‘Quality assurance and ethics’ review the current quality assurance measures in place at the Institute and identify any additional needs in this area. They also design measures to deal with ethical aspects of research questions.

  • Concept for the Use of the "Villa von Bülow"


    The strategy forum for the ‘User concept for the Villa von Bülow’ worked with an external contractor to develop and implement a concept for the foyer of the Villa von Bülow.

  • Research Data Management


    The strategy forum developed a research data policy for the GEI and a concept for a research data repository.

  • PhD Programme


    This strategy forum developed a more structured doctoral programme at the GEI.

  • Total E-Quality


    A strategy forum named ‘Total E-Quality’ was convened in order to evaluate and improve existing equal opportunities measures, to assess future requirements and to prepare for the certification process for the Total E-Quality certificate. The strategy forum comprised staff from each department in a representative cross-section.

  • Media Services for Academic Communication


    This strategy forum explored the possibilities of digital communication formats.

  • Data Protection


    This strategy forum developed the Institute’s data protection guidelines.

  • User Monitoring


    This strategy forum developed and submitted proposals for the systematic monitoring of the GEI’s digital services.

  • Colloquium


    This strategy forum created a new concept for GEI colloquia.

