• The Georg Eckert PHD Programme

    Doctoral candidates at the GEI are faced with very particular challenges. Completing a PhD in an interdisciplinary field such as educational media research requires very specific knowledge and skills, which cannot generally be acquired during a Master’s degree programme in a single discipline.

    In order to successfully contend with such challenges, the PhD candidates receive targeted, two-level support from the Institute.

    A programme comprising four modules provides focussed and application-oriented insights into the theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches involved in interdisciplinary educational media research. Examinations of empirical data are used to test these aspects.  

    The doctoral candidates have contractually defined rights and obligations. Specifically, they are entitled to competent and continuous support, which consists of quarterly meetings with their supervisor at the Institute and an annual meeting with the supervising committee. In return the candidate must write a proposal in the first year and an annual interim report in each subsequent year. They must also give a lecture at the Institute each year, that presents their findings. Towards the end of their doctoral period they are given support when exploring their future options.

    Qualifying programme

    Programmes at other institutions

    Academic Programme Head

    Barbara Christophe

    Media | Transformation

    MRG C3.16
    Phone: +49 531 59099-241
    Send email

  • Group of Doctoral Candidates (DoK)


    Textbook and educational media research is marked by its diversity of disciplinary approaches and topics. The PhD researchers working at the GEI reflect this diversity of disciplines: our current doctoral candidates are working on projects in disciplines such as history, political studies, pedagogy, media and cultural studies, and computer sciences.


    Our doctoral candidates work on research or knowledge transfer projects and are actively engaged by the GEI in institutional development processes by being assigned organisational tasks and by participating in various internal committees. This blend of institutional tasks and study is made possible through a combination of intensive work phases interspersed with study leave.



    The doctoral candidates meet monthly to discuss the organisational aspects of their work. The Group of Doctoral Candidates (DoK) elects representatives to internal governing bodies, organises project-specific working groups and decides on training and education requirements. It independently manages a budget supplied to it by the Institute.


    A winter or spring school organised by the DoK promotes an internal discourse of current research at the institute. The focus lies primarily on discussions of the content, theory and methodology of doctoral and post-doctoral theses in progress at the Georg Eckert Institute. This provides a platform for intensive dialogue and communication unhindered by the day to day work of the institute.


    The DoK organises regular training workshops, coaching sessions and further education seminars.


    • The DoK is also active within the Leibniz Association and has started an initiative aimed at improving internal networking for doctoral candidates within the Association.The group is closely involved in the planning and execution of the regular GEI Colloquia.
    • In terms of international networking, the DoK also helps manage the Institute’s fellowship programme and assists with the organisation and execution of the Georg Arnhold International Summer Conference.
    • The doctoral candidates Jasmin Troeger and Felix Büchner have created the KriDiFoSch Network (Kritische Digitalitätsforschung im Kontext Schule – Critical digital research in the school context). The aim of this network is to bring together doctoral candidates in German-speaking countries, enabling them to exchange information and cooperate in order to contribute to the discourse on ‘Schools and digitality’. This process includes critical reflections on: digital educational media and practices, datafication processes, the role of EdTech and EdTech companies, educational discourse on digitality, political and institutional implications, debates on inequality in connection with school digitisation, postdigitality, etc.

    Representative of the Group of Doctoral Candidates

    Alin Bernunzo

    Media | Transformation

    MRG C4.20
    Phone: +49 531 59099-351
    Send email
