Nuances reloaded: New teaching modules now online
Nuances reloaded: New teaching modules now online
The aim of the Nuances (Zwischentöne) project is to provide teaching and learning materials to help students engage constructively with the diversity of lives, faiths and cultures they encounter in their society. There are now eleven new teaching modules available for teaching in history, political studies and ethics/values education.
For the first time, the project now provides audio files featuring people’s personal stories for use in the classroom: “Love Withour Borders?” (Grenzenlose Liebe?); “A Chance to Change?” (Chance zur Veränderung?); “What You Will!” (Was ihr wollt!); “Seeking Refuge and Asylum” (Flucht und Asyl); and “Faces of Migration” (Facetten der Migration). The content focuses on the issues of relationships, gender roles, expectations of young people, and people’s reasons for migration. We believe that critical engagement with old and new forms of media, the images and stereotypes they present is crucial for promoting students’ judgement and practical competencies in relation to political education.
You can find the other modules from the Nuances project and more information at