
Survey of GEI research library users finds them "very satisfied"

Survey of GEI research library users finds them "very satisfied"

The Georg Eckert Institute’s library, with its rows of shelves full of books and specialist journals, may appear to have remained relatively unchanged over the years; academic libraries in particular, however, are currently experiencing a time of significant change, and the GEI research library is no exception. Databases and electronic research tools have replaced the card index of old and are at the heart of today’s academic library. The GEI library team wants users to understand and benefit from these innovations, and so asked them recently what they need from their library.

Over 100 students and academics responded to the survey, whose key question was: “How satisfied are you with the advice and support given to you by the [GEI] librarians?” The users gave this question an overwhelmingly positive answer, with 91% “very satisfied” with the service provided by the library.

Asked what could be improved, users had a range of ideas, with the most frequently mentioned potential improvement being the expansion of the library’s textbook collection. Other users wanted to be able to find their way more easily in the library’s OPAC and would like it to offer more detailed search options. Another pressing concern of survey respondents was the amount of space available in the library – those users will be pleased to learn that the GEI is currently planning an extension to the library building, which will include a reading room.

The library team is delighted with the positive findings of the survey and would like to thank all those who took part. It will now conduct thorough analysis of all responses and implement suggestions made wherever possible.

You can find the survey results on the library’s web pages:
