Jan Düsterhöft
Jan Düsterhöft has been a research fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute since 2021 and works on various projects in the Knowledge in Transition and Human-Centred Technologies for Educational Media departments, and GLOTREC .
He studied Islamic, Iranian and Persian studies and Indology in Marburg, Göttingen and Jerusalem. His research focusses on the production/transfer of knowledge on Islam and Muslims, anti-Muslim racism and Islamophobia, and Salafism in Germany. For his doctoral thesis Jan Düsterhöft examined the discourse surrounding Islam in educational media and the (affective) subjectification of Muslims before and after 11 September 2001.
He is currently working on questions of digitisation and the availability of digital educational media for GLOTREC as well as on networking and cooperation between international research groups. Jan Düsterhöft previously worked on the Queer Life. Queer Diversity and Heteronormativity in Textbooks project, undertaking a systematic cross-sectional analysis of the extent to which queer diversity is included in textbooks, supplementary teaching materials and curricula.
He researched the depiction and contextualisation of Muslims and Islamophobia in curricula and textbooks for history, politics/social studies and geography in German secondary schools for the BMI-funded project ‘Islamophobia in Textbooks’ (Muslimfeindlichkeit in Schulbüchern).
Jan Düsterhoft worked with Riem Spielhaus to produce reports on anti-Muslim racism for the German Youth Institute (DJI), the Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung in Berlin and the national discrimination and racism monitor (Nationalen Diskriminierungs- und Rassismusmonitor) at the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM).
While working on the ‘Choosing Islamic Conservatism’ project at Oxford University he researched Salafistic activities and knowledge transfer in Germany and produced reports on the subject.
In 2022 Jan Düsterhöft was a lecturer in ethnological Muslim societies at the Institute of Ethnology at the University of Göttingen.
- Jan Düsterhöft and Riem Spielhaus (2024): Wissensvermittlung zum Islam und Islambilder im schulischen Unterricht: Eine Expertise. Berlin: Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung.
- Jan Düsterhöft and Riem Spielhaus (2023): Beratungs- und Bildungsangebote für (potenziell) von antimuslimischem Rassismus betroffenen Jugendlichen. In: Annika Jungmann und Joachim Langner (eds.): Auseinandersetzung mit antimuslimischem Rassismus unter (potenziell) betroffenen Jugendlichen. München / Halle (Saale).
- Jan Düsterhöft, Riem Spielhaus and Radwa Shalaby. Schulbücher und Muslimfeindlichkeit: Zur Darstellung von Musliminnen und Muslimen in aktuellen deutschen Lehrplänen und Schulbüchern. Eckert. Dossiers 2 (2023). urn:nbn:de:0220-2023-0063.
- Jan Düsterhöft, Elena Hüsges, Katarzyna Jez and Riem Spielhaus talking to Campus Schulmanagement: "Wird Schule der geschlechtlichen und sexuellen Vielfalt gerecht?", published on 16 december 2024.
- Jan Düsterhöft and Riem Spielhaus talking to ufuq.de: "Oftmals fokussieren Lehrpläne und Schulbücher Unterschiede, statt Gemeinsamkeiten zu thematisieren“, published on 23 december 2024.