Massimiliano Tarquini
Massimiliano Tarquini has been a senior software engineer at the Georg Eckert Institute since September 2018.
Massimiliano Tarquini studied information technology at the Sapienza University in Rome. He started collaborating with TESEO, a SNAI services research lab, in 1996 while completing his degree. He has worked as a software engineer for several private and public sector companies.
Together with Alessandro Ligi, he wrote the book (in Italian) ‘Java Mattone dopo Mattone’, on Java programming. He was professor of programming languages in the school of engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
His research interests include big data knowledge extraction and data sources correlation as well as knowledge representation.
- NATO (OTAN) VLF/MSK Replacement
- NATO (OTAN) VLF/MSK BRS Replacement
- Saffron (Horizon 2020) - semantic analysis against foreign fighters recruitment online network
- SMART FP7 - Search engine for multimedia environment generated content (http://www.smartfp7.eu)
- GMBIG - Big-data knowledge extraction platform
- SAFETY TUTOR - https://www.autostrade.it/en/tecnologiasicurezza/sicurezza/tutor
- MoodMe : R&D project with the objective of implementing a multi-platform face tracker.
- INTELLI 2016 (The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications) "Supporting Humanitarian Logistics with Intelligent Applications for Disaster Management" IARIA XPS Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-61208-518-0
- 2016 Third International Conference, ISCRAM-med 2016, Madrid, Spain, 26-28October, 2016, Proceedings "Knowledge Management for the Support of Logistics During Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR)"
- 2014 OTM Confederated International Conferences On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems "Ontology-driven public administration web hosting monitoring system" 2013 Proceedings of the 10th International ISCRAM Conference. Baden-Baden, Germany,
- 2013 "Ethical Challenges of participatory sensing for crisis information management“
"Method for sharing emotions through the creation of three dimensional avatars and their interaction"
- A method is provided for transforming a two-dimensional image of at least one portion of a human or animal body into a three-dimensional model.