Dr Wendy Anne Kopisch
Wendy Anne Kopisch studied French and German at Wadham College, University of Oxford, and completed her doctorate in modern German literature at the Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, on the subject Nature Poetry and Ecological Crisis: Terms, Reception and Contexts, for which she was awarded a scholarship by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. She holds a Diploma in Translation from the London Chartered Institute of Linguists, and has worked for over fifteen years in academic publications management.
At the Georg Eckert Institute Wendy is managing editor of the GEI's book series with Palgrave Macmillan, London, Palgrave Studies in Educational Media, which was launched in 2018. She is also publications manager for the Georg Arnhold Program on Education for Sustainable Peace. Her research interests combine translation theory, composition studies and academic writing instruction.
- Naturlyrik im Zeichen der ökologischen Krise. Begrifflichkeiten - Rezeption - Kontexte. Kassel University Press, 2012 (334 p., in German).
Articles and Book Chapters:
- "Die Übersetzbarkeit des 'Besonderen'. Gibt es so etwas wie eine 'poetische Weltsprache'? in: Weltsprache der Poesie? Literaturkritik.de (special edition), 6: 2011.
- “Still Writing of the Linden Tree: The Role of Nature as Preserver of the Lyric in the Poetry of Meena Alexander” in: Passage to Manhattan: Critical Essays on Meena Alexander, eds. Cynthia Leenerts and Lopamudra Basu, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009.
- "'Verseuchte Metaphern' – Repräsentationen der Elbe als Zeichen der Zeit in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartslyrik" in: Wasser – Kultur – Ökologie. Beiträge zum Wandel im Umgang mit dem Wasser und zu seiner literarischen Imagination, eds. Axel Goodbody and Berbeli Wanning, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2008: 217-238.
- "Judith Wright: 'Request to a Year'", "Judith Wright: 'Australia 1970'", "Robert Bridges: Biography" and Robert Bridges: 'London Snow'" in: Companion to Twentieth-Century British Poetry, ed. Rob Watson, New York: Facts on File, 2007.
- "Zwischen 'parenthesen des sandes': Die Wüste als literarischer Ort in den Gedichten Raoul Schrotts" in: TEXT + KRITIK, Zeitschrift für Literatur, Nr. 176: 2007.