Textbook and Curricula Collection

Textbooks and educational media can be found by using the GLOTREC|Cat.
The collections at the Georg Eckert Institute primarily cover the school subjects of:
- history
- geography
- politics/social studies
- ethics/religion
It also has collections of:
- German readers
- international primers
- geographical atlases and historical atlases
Educational media for use in German schools are collected for all federal states and all types of general and vocational schools.
The extensive collection of historical textbooks includes examples dating back to the seventeenth century. The research library team began digitising the historical collection in 2009 and the digitised works can be accessed through GEI-Digital.
The research library also provides access to educational media for schools in other European countries. The most significant collections contain books from Austria, France, Great Britain, Poland and Russia. The non-European collection is being continually expanded; funded to a large extent by the DFG programme Specialised Information Service (FID) on Educational Science and Education Research.
In addition to educational media for schools, the library also holds an extensive collection of current and historical curricula from Germany and around the world. The curricula are available through the GLOTREC|Cat, where the majority can be accessed electronically.