What is Shibboleth?
Shibboleth is a web-based process for distributed authentication (who are you?) and authorization (what are you allowed to do?) for web services, using the access data of your own institute. The aim of Shibboleth is that users only have to authenticate themselves once in order to be able to access web services or licensed content from different providers from anywhere (single sign-on).
Privacy and Data Security
In principle, the data transmitted with Shibboleth is subject to data protection if it is personal data. The Shibboleth process makes it possible to handle personal data particularly sparingly. The provider of a web service only receives information about which institution has accessed the service and what authorizations have been granted. No further conclusions about a person are possible. The first time you access a web service that supports Shibboleth, you must agree to the terms of use once.
Select resource in catalog
Research and select the online resource in the OPAC of the Research Library and open it via the link listed under 'Link to digital copy'.
Login with access data of the institution
Members of the GEI register here with their GEI account.
Registered users of the Research Library log in here with their user data (library card number and password).