Old books on the shelf - a tablet next to them

Research Services (GLOTREC)

The GEI’s digital products and services have been further developed and standardised in the Global Textbook Resource Center (GLOTREC). It aims to provide intuitive research tools that enable central and multilingual access for educational media researchers to the GEI’s collections and to educational media collections around the world. During GLOTREC’s development phase (2020–2022) functionalities from the Curricula Workstation (CW) and GEI-Digital were reproduced in the GLOTREC|Cat, and data and texts from both were integrated into the new system. If you would primarily like to search for curricula, you can access them directly through the GLOTREC|Cat, which has preset search functions. Further information on using this service can be found by clicking on 'Information' on the GLOTREC|Cat home page.


The GLOTREC|Cat research service builds upon the International TextbookCat to provide new capabilities for researchers when searching for educational media in the GEI’s collections and those of its partner institutes. Users can browse through the collections and the search criteria which are specially designed to aid research into textbooks and curricula (such as issuing country, education level, subject, school type). Interfaces and export functions allow direct processing of the data using digital tools. In addition to information on the media’s location, digitised and full texts will be provided where available.

GEI-Digital – The Digital Textbook Library

GEI-Digital provides free access to digitised historical textbooks, mostly in full-text format. It also enables targeted full-text searches within existing digitised collections. Researchers can also use GLOTREC|Cat to search the digitised collections of our international GLOTREC partner institutions.
