Category Languages
geni@l Klick, A1. Deutsch für Jugendliche
Langenscheidt, 2011The jury praised the winner in the ‘Languages’ category, geni@l Klick, A1. Deutsch für Jugendliche, for being an ‘excellent textbook for communicative and skills-oriented teaching in German as a foreign language’. It demonstrates exemplary integration of a range of media, especially for self-evaluation, and enables effective orientation within the different learning requirements. It could also serve as a model for future textbooks beyond the confines of foreign-language teaching.
Category History and Society
Zeitreise 1
Ernst Klett Verlag, 2011The expert jury felt that the history book Zeitreise 1 stood out by virtue of its great clarity, comprehensibility and topical relevance. ‘It optimally combines objectivity, closeness to science, readability and inner coherence. The book also manages to tread the fine linguistic line between accuracy, pertinence and relevance for students’.
Category STEM
Navi Mathematik 7
Bildungsverlag EINS, 2010Navi Mathematik 7 is a mathematics textbook for special needs education and its clarity, comprehensibility and innovation in STEM subjects make it the best textbook in this category. This exemplary and innovative textbook has a consistent, competence-oriented concept, which relies on believable references to everyday life and to natural differentiation.
Teachers' Award
CornelsenA fourth textbook was also chosen for an award: Menschen – Zeiten – Räume (People – Times – Places), is a social studies textbook (three-subject combination of history, geography and social studies) that received the ‘Teachers’ award’. An online survey, with 317 respondents, asked teachers to nominate the textbook that best supported them in the classroom.