Edumeres Toolbox

Digital technology enables access to important information sources from around the world and offers enormous potential for researchers working with educational media. Computer-assisted analysis techniques developed in the fields of computational linguistics and computer science can be used to search and compare large volumes of text for recurring patterns, linguistic features or specific topics.

The Educational Media Research Toolbox – known as the Edumeres Toolbox for short – provides researchers, developers and librarians with a functionally expandable digital system, which enables the collation of digital texts within a project or subject-specific corpus. Once collated the texts can be analysed using software components and enhanced in some cases by the addition of machine-readable information. The flexibility of the Edumeres Toolbox also allows the different methods and procedures to be combined as required.

Computer scientists, information scientists and researchers in the humanities at the GEI have been developing the Edumeres Toolbox since 2018 and it has been implemented in a number of research projects. In addition to more detailed documentation and user examples, the team are planning a multi-lingual user interface and the integration of additional analytical tools.

Because the Edumeres Toolbox includes role and rights management settings, copyrighted material or sensitive research data can be uploaded onto the platform, collated for individual projects or corpora, and processed. Collaborative working in teams or the release for subsequent use by third parties is also possible.

  • Aims

    • Provision of a secure and stable infrastructure for collating and working with digital texts.
    • The development of tools for linguistic preparation or annotation of digital texts that take the distinctive features of educational media into account.
    • To create an environment in which different software modules can both be used independently of each other and sensibly linked together.
    • Provision of quantitative analysis and personalised corpora analysis (user profiling).
    • Enabling collaborative work.

  • Methodology

    Digital transformation processes within the digital humanities will be tested throughout the project. New and innovative processes will be developed and tested by an interdisciplinary team.

  • Results

    The findings and an overview of the functionalities are available on the project website:

  • Publications

    • De Luca, E.W., Fallucchi, F., Nobili, C. 2022. ‘Edumeres Toolbox: Functional, Technical, Architectural Analysis’. In: Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1537 CCIS, 212–223
    • De Luca E. W., Spielhaus R. 2019. ‚Digital Transformation of Research Processes in the Humanities’. In: Garoufallou E., Fallucchi F., William De Luca E. (eds): Metadata and Semantic Research MTSR 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1057. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36599-8_30
    • De Luca E.W., Fallucchi F., Ligi A., Tarquini M. 2019. ‘A Research Toolbox: A Complete Suite for Analysis in Digital Humanities’. In: Garoufallou E., Fallucchi F., William De Luca E. (eds) Metadata and Semantic Research MTSR 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1057. Springer Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36599-8_35

Project team
