Education, Technology and Inequality after Corona (ETIC): A Critical Utopian Approach

Education, technology, and inequality in the pandemic.

As inequalities have intensified in the wake of the corona pandemic, this project analyses how educational stakeholders have responded to the heightened risk of exclusion for disadvantaged students, and which spaces of possibility the imagine for the future. By identifying unexpected approaches to schooling, technology and inequality, this project also expects to inform policy and practice about creative solutions and new paths towards more equitable futures. 

- Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation in the funding line: "Corona Crisis and Beyond - Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society" -

  • Methodology

    We conducted 65 interviews with social workers, teachers, charity workers, administrators and other educational practitioners. We elicited narratives about how they dealt with inequalities in their everyday work with young people during the pandemic. We also invented them to imagine "futures otherwise".

  • Presentations

    • Macgilchrist, Felicitas (2023). Speculative Methods. Keynote during the workshop series: "Governing educational pasts, presents, and futures with data", Tampere University, Finland.
    • Macgilchrist, Felicitas (2023). Digitalität gestalten in planetarischen Ruinen: Kritisch-utopische Zukunftsforschung, Vortrag bei der Ringvorlesung "Zukunft, Jugend, Politik", Technische Universität Braunschweig/online.&
    • Macgilchrist, Felicitas, Rabenstein, Kerstin, Bock, Annekatrin, Wagener-Böck, Nadine (2022). Education, Technology and Inequality after Corona (ETIC). A Critical Utopian Approach. Presentation at the Forum Corona Crisis and Beyond: Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society, Hanover, Deutschland.
    • Bock, Annekatrin, Macgilchrist, Felicitas, Rabenstein, Kerstin, Wagener-Böck, Nadine (2022). „Mit dem Digitalen super, super schwer“ – Technologie gestütztes Arbeiten während der Pandemie im Anspruch von inklusiver (Medien-)Bildung. Presentation at #mpaed2022: Herbsttagung der Sektion Medienpädagogik, Bielefeld, Germany.
    • Bock, Annekatrin (2022). Messy, Uncertain and In|Exclusive – Data-Driven Technology as a Coplayer in (Supposedly) Inclusive Educational Spaces. Presentation at The Entanglements of People, Materialities and Technologies : A Joint DigitAS / beYOND Workshop, Österreich
    • Macgilchrist, Felicitas (2022). Education and Digitalization in Times of COVID-19: Panel Discussion on Education, Organised by DIPF and German Center for Research and Innovation New York, New York/online, USA
    • Macgilchrist, Felicitas (2022). Bildung, Technologie und Ungleichheit: Eine Analyse in fünf Akten. Presentation at the Promotionskolleg „Vermittlung und Übersetzung im Wandel", ZSB-Abendgespräche, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
    • Macgilchrist, Felicitas (2022). Speculative Social Science Fiction, Digitalization & Datafication. Presentation for the CreditEd Network. Online, Finland.
    • Bock, Annekatrin (2021). Bildung digital – Lehren und Lernen für die Arbeitswelt von morgen, Presentaiton at the Techtide Regionalkonferenz, Germany.
    • Macgilchrist, Felicitas (2021). Learning In and After COVID-19: Dealing with Digital Inequality. Keynote at the 28th International Conference on Learning: Universalism or Particularism: Knowledge and Power in the Process of Decolonization Revisited, Krakau, Poland/online.
    • Wagener-Böck, Nadine, Dean, Isabel (2021). (In)Equality in Educational Settings: (Re)Producing, Challenging and Transgressing the Rules. Panel at the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, Netherlands.

  • Publications

    • Dünkel, Milena (2022). Schule, Digitalität und soziale Ungleichheiten vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19-Pandemie - Eine qualitative Untersuchung der Perspektiven (außer-)schulischer Unterstützungsangebote [School, Digitality and Social Inequalities against the Background of the Pandemic of COVID-19 - A Qualitative Research on the Perspectives of (Extra-)Curricular Activities], Masters thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
    • Kuke, Kirsten (2022). Konstruktionen von Zukunft in Interviews zu Schule während der Corona-Pandemie. Eine Grounded Theory Studie, [Constructions of Future in Interviews about Schools during the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Grounded Theory Study], Masters thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
    • Schütte, Gesa (2022). Soziale Ungleichheiten im Lebensraum Schule während der Corona-Pandemie Eine qualitative Interviewstudie über Reaktionen auf Verstärkung von sozialen Ungleichheiten. [Social Inequalities in the Living Space School during Corona Pandemic A Qualitative Interview Study of Responses to Reinforcing of Social Inequalities], Masters thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

Project Team

  • Felicitas Macgilchrist | Project Head
  • Kerstin Rabenstein | Project Head
  • Annekatrin Bock
  • Nadine Wagener-Böck