Augusta Dimou (ed.): ›Transition‹ and the Politics of History Education in Southeast Europe
Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2009. 396 p. ISBN 978-3-89971-531-6, 65,00 €
This volume, edited by Augusta Dimou, offers an overview over the developments in the area of history education in the erstwhile states of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Moldavia from the middle of the 1990's until today. Basis of all contributions is the process of bulding nations with its influence on history politics and school, within the framework of an encouraging, and yet contradictory, tranformation process. Additionally, the roles internationally active education figures and institutes play in the region is examined. Under which circumstances and with what means can reforms and interventions succeed long term in the area of education? In which direction are historical narratives moving? This volume's contributions seek to answer these, and other, questions. They give an insight into the complex tranformations in South East Europe's education sector from an interdisciplinary perspective.
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