Eckhardt Fuchs, Marcus Otto (eds): In Education We Trust? Vertrauen in Bildung und Bildungsmedien
Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2022, 270 p. ISBN Print: 978-3-8471-1509-0, ISBN E-Lib: 978-3-7370-1509-7, 45,00€
Can we (still) trust school education and educational media? What does it really mean to place trust in such state-authorised bodies and media? This book provides an overview of the topic from a theoretical and empirical perspective and explores the trust we place in the education institutions in our society. The volume uses a biography-theory perspective to illuminate how trust and confidence in individual education processes functions as a social resource. It also examines how the way in which educational media are distributed, applied and disseminated can create a sense of trust or even mistrust. Finally, the volume addresses issues of trust and control related to digital educational media.