Katharina Poltze, Birte Schröder (eds.): Putting knowledge(s) into perspective? Wissen, Reflexivität und (Multi-)Perspektivität in Bildungsmedien
Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2024, 250 pages. ISBN Print 978-3-8471-1760-5, ISBN E-Lib 978-3-7370-1760-2, 50,00€
The fact that textbooks and other educational media should reflect different perspectives and enable learners to form their own opinions is widely accepted by academics, schools and publishers. But how exactly can multiperspectivity be achieved? And what are its limits? This anthology reviews the current state of research on educational media and (multi-)perspectivity and brings together different (trans-)disciplinary and transnational perspectives. The contributions shed light on perspectives and (multi-)perspectivity in various current thematic and social contexts and critically question how knowledge is constructed and communicated and how and whether different perspectives find their way into educational media.