
Önder Cetin and Riem Spielhaus: Konstruktionen des türkischen Selbstbilds in Schulbüchern für den Herkunftssprachlichen Türkischunterricht von 1991 bis 2017

Eckert. Dossiers 1 (2022) urn:nbn:de:0220-2022-0059

Lessons in Turkish as a heritage language serve not only to impart the Turkish language but also Turkish culture. The analysis in this paper of the constructions of national identity in textbook series published by three publishing houses for instruction in Turkish as a heritage language, produced according to consular guidelines and overseen by individual federal states, compares manifestations of the Turkish self-image in the four areas of history, culture, religion and gender perceptions. What historical narratives, images of Turkey, interpretations of Islam and gender roles are relayed by such educational media, which are produced by the Turkish state and the two largest German publishers of materials for instruction in heritage languages?

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