Olaf Kühne, Thomas Strobel, Robert Traba, Marcin Wiatr (eds): Kulturlandschaften in Deutschland und Polen. Aktuere und Modi ihrer Konstruktion und Narration
Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2020. 374 p. ISBN 978-3-8471-0750-7, 45,00 €
What do we mean when we talk about cultural landscapes? This volume examines different perceptions, interpretations and assessments of cultural landscapes, based on German, Polish and bilateral studies. The aim is not only to present different readings of landscape and its social science research in a German-Polish comparison, but also to explore and offer alternative interpretations and empirical approaches as an option for one's own research in the sense of an interdisciplinary orientation. The volume thus serves as a guide that constructs revealing narratives that help find new, deeper interpretive contexts of meaning in the exploration, discovery and decoding of cultural landscapes.
Full text [pdf; German]