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VOLUME 10 (2018), ISSUE 1: World Knowledge and Non-European Space. An International Comparison of Geography Textbooks and Children’s Books of the Nineteenth Century
Introduction, Andreas Weiß
Reading East Asia in Schools of the Wilhelmine Empire, Andreas Weiß
Are “the Natives” Educable? Selling Ethical Colonial Policy Concerning the East Indies to Dutch Schoolchildren (1890-1910), Elisabeth Wesseling and Jacques Dane
Education and Change in the Late Ottoman Empire and Turkey: Space, Time and Text, Benjamin C. Fortna
Imperialism and Nationhood in Children’s Books in Colonial Bengal, Gargi Gangopadhyay
Wandelnde Horizonte des Weltwissens: Zur Raumvorstellung der elementaren Geographieschulbücher des Japanischen Kaiserreichs, Ito Toshiko
National Identity and Alterity in Nineteenth Century American Primary School Geography Textbooks, Bahar Gürsel