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VOLUME 6 (2014), ISSUE 1
Representing Australia’s Involvement in the First World War: Discrepancies between Public Discourses and School History Textbooks from 1916 to 1936, Heather Sharp
The Holocaust in the Textbooks and in the History and Citizenship Education Program of Quebec, Sivane Hirsch and Marie Mc Andrew
What Stories Are Being Told? Two Case Studies of (Grand) Narratives from and of the German Democratic Republic in Current Oberstufe Textbooks, Elizabeth Priester Steding
Decoding the Visual Grammar of Selected South African History Textbooks, Katalin Eszter Morgan
Debating Migration in Textbooks and Classrooms in Austria, Christiane Hintermann, Christa Markom, Heidemarie Weinhäupl, and Sanda Üllen
Mobile Learning in History Education, Alexander König and Daniel Bernsen
Wie lassen sich Wertaussagen in Schulbüchern aufspüren? Ein politikwissenschaftlicher Vorschlag zur quantitativen Schulbuchanalyse am Beispiel des Themenkomplexes der europäischen Integration, Andreas Slopinski and Torsten J. Selck