Villa von Bülow
The villa's architect, Carl Theodor Ottmer (1800-1843) studied at the Berlin Building Academy in the circle of the famous architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel. He made his name as an expert theatre designer but he also created administrative buildings, military buildings and transportation centres. By the age of 24 he was the court architect for the Duchy of Braunschweig and Wolfenbüttel in his home town of Braunschweig. The imposing Residenzschloss and numerous grand villas are testament to this period. The Villa von Bülow was built by Ottmer in 1839 as a summer residence for Heinrich Georg Christian Friedrich von Bülow, who was President of the Chamber at the Duke of Braunschweig's court. The villa, which has had a varied history, has been home to the Georg Eckert Institute since 1981. The building is one of the finest examples of late-classicist architecture in the city.
Literature: Gebauhr, Udo, "Villa von Bülow, Celler Str. 3," in: Biegel, Gerd et al., eds., Carl Theodor Ottmer, 1800 - 1843. Braunschweigischer Hofbaumeister – europäischer Architekt. Braunschweig: Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, 2000, p. 273-285.