Katarzyna Jez
Katarzyna Jez joined the Knowledge in Transition department at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media in January 2019. She coordinated public relations activities for the German-Polish history textbook project Europe – Our History (Europa – Unsere Geschichte). In 2020 she was responsible for the analysis of the Lower Saxony curricula in the research project Democracy Education as a Focus of Education Policy (Bildungspolitischer Schwerpunkt Demokratiebildung). Between March 2021 and March 2022 she joined the research project Subjects for Democracy. Current Challenges and Opportunities in Democracy Education where she undertook a qualitative and quantitative analysis of curricula for politics teaching. Between March 2022 and December 2023 she has been a part of the project team for the European Forum for Reconciliation and Cooperation in History and Social Sciences Education. Moreover, between August 2022 and March 2023 she also has been working in the project Stories of Diversity from Ukraine, Poland and Turkey. Since January 2024, as part of the research project Queer Life. Queer Diversity and Heteronormativity in Textbooks, she undertakes an analysis of the extent to which queer diversity is included in textbooks and supplementary teaching materials as well as how those materials depict and/or confront social heteronormativity.
She studied German and Polish languages and literature, modern and contemporary history as well as European studies in Poznań, Berlin and Frankfurt (Oder). While working at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities she was involved in a range of academic projects in the fields of linguistics and sociology. Before joining the GEI she worked on the online project Polenstudien.Interdisziplinär (Pol-Int) in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies (ZIP) at the European University Viadrina.
- Patrycja Czerwinska, Katarzyna Jez, Steffen Sammler, Marcin Wiatr (2023): Nowy format międzynarodowej współpracy w zakresie rewizji podręczników: Europejskie Forum na Rzecz Pojednania i Współpracy w Dziedzinie Edukacji Historycznej i Nauk Społecznych (EFREC) [A new Format for Multilateral Textbook work: European Forum for Reconciliation and Cooperation in History and Social Sciences Education (EFREC)]. In: Edukacja – Kultura – Społeczeństwo, Vol. 4 (2023), Wrocław, p. 207-223.
- Eckhardt Fuchs, Steffen Sammler, Patrycja Czerwinska, Katarzyna Jez, Marcin Wiatr, Dirk Sadowski (2023): (GEI Policy Brief) The European Forum for Reconciliation: A New Format for International Collaboration and Research on Educational Media.
- Katarzyna Jez, Jan Düsterhöft, Riem Spielhaus and Elena Hüsges talking to Campus Schulmanagement: "Wird Schule der geschlechtlichen und sexuellen Vielfalt gerecht?", published on 16 december 2024.