GLOTREC - Network and activities

GLOTREC is a strategic process that strengthens and supports infrastructure development, internationalisation, and application-related inter- and transdisciplinary research in the field of educational media for schools. Workshops among the partners enable networking between international communities within educational media research. This regular and sustained exchange of ideas and information furthers cooperation between the partner institutions on questions of transregional research. In addition, it allows discussion of technical solutions for the collation and further integration of digital resources, such as catalogue data and the indexing of digital full-texts, which can be implemented by the GLOTREC team and the GEI.



  • 2023 Conference, Budapest (ISCHE)

    International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE) 44, Budapest, July 2023: 

    Histories of Education and Reform: Traditions, Tensions and Transitions

    Programme see

    Panel 'Central- and South America on the Move', 20 July 2023

    Eugenia Roldán Vera: The Introduction of Intuitive Teaching in Late Nineteenth Century Mexico  

  • 2023 Conference, Essen

    Studi-Buch Interdisciplinary Text-As-Data Workshop, Essen, 23 May 2023

    With talks by:

    Nieländer, Maret (GEI): Data Report: Historical Textbooks as NLP-treated Full Texts - The 'GEI-Digital-2020' Corpus

    Scheel, Christian (GEI): Data Report: Finding and Researching with Metadata - Working with the International TextbookCat (ITBC)

  • 2023 Conference, Braunschweig

    2nd GLOTREC Conference on research and research based digitisation

    20-22 March 2023

    With talks by:

    Mariana Alcobre (Argentina, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional de Maestros y Maestras/BNM): Women in school textbooks (1880-1930)

    Paulo Eduardo Dias de Mello (Brazil, Ponta Grossa, Universidade Estadual Ponta Grossa/UEPG): The constitution of the 'other' in the didactic historiography of Paraná (1876 to 1969) 

    María Isabel Orellana (Chile, Santiago de Chile, Museo de la Educación Gabriela Mistral/MEGM): Representation of the other as the expression of different attributes assigned by the dominant culture in Chile, between 1840 and 1940

    Luis Alfonso Alarcón Meneses (Colombia, Barranquilla, Universidad del Atlántico, Grupo de Investigaciones historias sobre identidad y nación): Discourses and representations about civilization-barbarism: the image of the other and otherness in Colombian school textbooks during the first half of the 20th century

    Yoel Cordoví Núñez (Cuba, Havana, Instituto de Historia de Cuba/IHC): Building the Cuban Citizen: Representations and Use of History in School Books in Public, 1902-1930

    Serrao, Paula (Italy, Turin, Università degli Studi di Torino): The Image of the Other. 'Otherness' and 'normality' in School Textbooks

    Roldán Vera, Eugenia (Mexico, Mexico City, CINVESTAV) und Rosalía Meníndez (Mexico, Mexico City, UPN): Intuitive Teaching in Mexico

    Ossenbach, Gabriela (Spain, Madrid, UNED): Intuitive Teaching in Spain

    Codoví, Yoel (Cuba, Havanna, Instituto de Historia de Cuba): Intuitive Teaching in Cuba

    Francesco Pongiluppi (Italy, Turin, Università degli Studi di Torino): Intuitive Teaching in Italy

    Mariana Alcobre (Argentina, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional de Maestros y Maestras/BNM): 

    Circe Fernandez Bittencourt (Brazil, São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Educação/FEUSP) und  Paulo Eduardo Dias de Mello (Brazil, Ponta Grossa, Universidade Estadual Ponta Grossa/UEPG): Intuitive Teaching in Brazil

    Maret Nieländer (Germany, Braunschweig, GEI): Personal Experiences in Using DH Tools in Cultural Studies Projects

    Ernesto De Luca (Germany, Braunschweig, GEI): User Research and Monitoring at GEI

  • 2022 Conference, Milan (ISCHE)

    International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE) 43, Milan, August/September 2022:

    Histories of Educational Technologies. Cultural and Social Dimensions of Pedagogical Objects

    Organisation of  panels and talks see:

    Panel: 'The Image of the Others. "Otherness" and "Normality" in School Textbooks', 31 August 2022 (Parts 1 and 2)

    Part 1: Pongiluppi, Francesco (Turin, Università di Torino, Organisation); Serrao, Paula Alejandra (Turin, Università di Torino, Leitung); Ossenbach, Gabriela (Universidad Nacional de Ecucación a Distancia/UNED, Madrid, Koreferentin); Teil 2: Pongiluppi, Francesco (Turin, Università di Torino, Leitung); Bianchini, Paolo (Turin, Università di Torino, Koreferent)

    Alarcón Meneses (Colombia, Barranquilla, Universidad del Atlántico):  Discourses And Representations About Civilization-Barbarism: The Image Of The Other And Otherness In Colombian School Textbooks

    Bianchini, Paolo (Italy, Turin, Università di Torino): The Representation of Non-European Populations in Italian Textbooks

    Bermejo Malumbres, Mikel (Spain, Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia/UNED): The homogenisation of citizens through grammar, arithmetic and manuscript school textbooks at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century in Spain

    Ribeiro Ferreira, Angelo (Brazil, Universidade Estudial de Ponta Grossa/UEPG): Representations Of Women And Gender In History Textbooks In Brazil In The Late 19th And Early 20th Centuries

    Serrao, Paula Alejandra (Italy, Turin, Università di Torino): Changes and continuities in textbooks of Italian schools in Buenos Aires (1867-1940)

    Pongiluppi, Francesco (Italy, Turin, Università di Torino): The Discourse of Nation-State And The Representation Of National Minorities Within Textbooks for Italian Schools Abroad

    Panel: 'Learning Technologies', 31 August 2022

    Roldan Vera, Eugenia (Mexico, CINVESTAV); Meníndez, Rosalía (Mexico, UPN): From Dialogues to Object Lessons: Textbooks About Nature in the Spnaish-speaking World Throughout the Long Nineteenth Century

    Panel: 'Material Histories of School Objects', 31 August 2022

    Head of Part 3: Roldan Vera, Eugenia (Mexico, CINVESTAV)

  • 2021 Conference, Braunschweig (online)

    1st GLOTREC Conference

    The Digitisation of Cultural Heritage Collections

    9 December 2021

    With talks by:

    Gabriela Ossenbach (Spain, Madrid, UNED): Report 'The diffusion of intuitive teaching through schoolbook publishing in Europe and Latin America, ca. 1880-1930'

    Paolo Bianchini (Italy, Turin, Univerità degli Studi di Torino): Report 'Image of the Others. "Otherness" and "normality" in school textbooks'

    Discussion 'Digitisation in GLOTREC: Corpus generation, need for metadata, storage and exchange of data'

  • 2021 Conference, Turin (online)

    Education and cultural policy in Italian migrations, International Conference, organised and headed by Bianchini, Paolo; Pongiluppi, Francesco; Serrao, Paula Alejandra; with the support of GLOTREC; Turin, Università di Torino, 14/07-16/07/2021

    Talks by GLOTREC partners:

    Fernandes Bittencourt, Circe (Brazil, Universidade de São Paulo/USP): Commentator

    Dias de Mello, Paulo (Brazil, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa): Immagini sugli immigranti italiani nella storiografia didattica del Paraná

  • 2020 Conference, Turin (online)

    Migration and Education. Sources, Researches and Methodologies, organised and lead by Bianchini, Paolo; Pongiluppi, Francesco; Serrao, Paula Alejandra; supported by GLOTREC; Turin, Università di Torino, 2-4 December 2020

    with talks by the following GLOTREC partners:

    Bianchini, Paolo (Italy, Turin, Università di Torino): Textbooks as a source between qualititive and quantitative analysis

    Bittencourt, Circe & Paulo Mello de Dias (Brazil, Universidade de São Paulo/USP): Images of indigenious people in school books in the first republican decades in  Brazil

    Mahamud Angulo, Kira (Spain, Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia/UNED): Contexts, textual units and language in qualitative textbook research

    Otto, Marcus (GEI): Analyzing the Construction of Migration and Integration in German school Textbooks - Methodological Considerations

Internal Workshops

  • Workshop framework project 'Image of the Others'
    09/12/2022 (online)
  • Workshop framework project 'Intuitive Teaching' with external experts
    22/05/2022 (online)
  • Colloquium 'Dialogues on Writings of History and Digital Humanities'
    21/11-25/11/2022 (Universidade de Ponta Grossa/UEPG, Brazil)
  • Workshop 'La difusión de la enseñanza intuitiva a través de la publicación de libros escolares en Europa y América Latina, ca. 1880-1930' with keynotes by Cristina Linares (Universidad Barcelona, IRBIO) and Kazumi Munakata (Ontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo/PUCSP)
    27/04/2022 (online)