GLOTREC - Research and Digitisation

Academics in the GLOTREC networks have collaboratively developed two framework projects which implement and evaluate the research services – predominantly the GLOTREC|Cat for the time being. These processes are vital for orienting the (further) development of our services towards our international users.  When searching for additional source material in the field of educational media, the group were able to identify further collections, including already digitised material, which could potentially be integrated into GLOTREC. The GEI will itself explore questions of integration, standardisation and enhancement of digitised source materials and will test how digital analysis tools perform with historical source material by applying conceptual and cultural-historical questions.

Research Projects

The diffusion of intuitive teaching through textbook publishing in Europe and Latin America, ca. 1880-1930

  • Teams participating in the network
    • Argentina, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional de Maestros y Maestras (BNM): Mariana Alcobre, Lauretano Leon, Amparo Tirado

    • Brazil, Ponta Grossa, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG): Paulo Eduardo Dias de Mello, Angela Ferreira Ribeiro

    • Cuba, Havana, Instituto de Historia de Cuba (IHC): Yoel Cordoví

    • Italy, Turin, Università degli Studi di Torino: Paolo Bianchini, Francesco Pongiluppi, Paula Serrao

    • Mexico, Mexico City, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV) & Universidad Nacional Pedagógica Nacional (UPN): Eugenia Roldán Vera, Gema Aviles, Rosalía Meníndez Martínez

    • Spain, Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED): Gabriela Ossenbach, Ana María Badanelli, Yovana Hernández

The image of the others. "Otherness" and "normality" in school textbooks

  • Teams participating in the network
    • Argentina, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional de Maestros y Maestras (BNM): Mariana Alcobre, Lauretano Leon, Amparo Tirado

    • Brazil, São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo (UEP) & Ponta Grossa, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG): Circe Maria Fernandes Bittencourt, Paulo Dias de Mello

    • Chile, Santiago de Chile, Museo de Educación Gabriela Mistral: Maria Isabel Orellana, Nicole Araya Orñate (until 2022)

    • Colombia, Barranquilla, Universidad del Atlántico, Grupo de Investigaciones históricas sobre identidad y nación: Luis Alfonso Alarcón Meneses

    • Cuba, Havana, Instituto de Historia de Cuba (IHC): Yoel Cordoví

    • Italy, Turin, Università di Torino: Paolo Bianchini, Francesco Pongiluppi, Paula Serrao

    • Spain, Madrid, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED): Gabriela Ossenbach, Mikel Bermejo (until 2022)

Associated projects at the GEI

Research findings

Publications and academic papers (dissertations and theses) 

  • La circulación de la enseñanza intuitiva en Europa y Latino-américa (1870-1920): una revisión historiográfica, in: Historia y Memoria de la educación, No 21 (January – July), 2025, pp. 11-240.
    With contributions by:
    • Eugenia Roldán Vera: Presentación
    • Maria Rita de Almeida Toledo und Paulo Eduardo Dias de Mello (Brasilien): Método intuitivo e Lições de Coisas no Brasil: balanço historigráfico e novas indagações
    • Gabriela Ossenbach, Cecilia Valbuena Canet und Ana Badanelli (Spanien): La difusión de la enseñanza intuitiva y las lecciones de cosas en España. Balance historigráfico y aspetos pendientes en la investigación
    • Paula Alejandra Serrao, Paolo Bianchini und Francesco Pongiluppi (Italien): La educación de las cosas en Italia. Programas, libros y autores
    • Mariana Alcobre (Argentinien): Una aproximación a la enseñanza intuitiva en el Río de la Plata (ca. 1880-1930)
    • Eugenia Roldán Vera und Rosalia Meníndez (Mexiko): La circulación de la enseñanza intuitiva en México: en estado de la cuestión
    • Yoel Cordoví (Kuba): Pestalozzi y la recepción del método intuitivo en Cuba (1807-1858): Historiografía y fuentes para su estudio
  • Valbuena-Canet, Cecilia: Análisis del concepto de trabajo transmitido en la escuela autárquica. España 1939-1957, Doctoral Thesis, directed by Gabriela Ossenbach Sauter and Ana M. Badanelli Rubio, presented on October 17, 2023 (UNED, Faculty of Education).
  • Roldán Vera, Eugenia; Meníndez, Rosalia: The Teaching Of Nature in 19th Century School Textbooks in the Spanish-American World: From Encyclopedic Enlightenment to the Lessons of Things (La enseñanza de la naturaleza en los manuales escolares del siglo XIX en el mundo hispanoamericano: del enciclopedismo ilustrado a las lecciones de cosas), in: Encounters in Theory and History of Education, Vol. 24: Conceptions and Practices of Education in a "Longe Durée" Approach: Paths to a Critical Self-Reflexive History of Education, pp. 154-177,, Abstract: .
  • Rodríguez Gómez, José Luis (Spain, Real Biblioteca de Palacio): El Georg Eckert Institute y las Humanidades Digitales, in: Avisos, Noticias de la Real Biblioteca, 2023, Vol. 29, Nr. 99 (January-April), p. 15-21.
  • Nieländer, Maret; Scheel, Chrstian; Jurish, Bryan: „DiaCollo für GEI-Digital - Ein experimentelles Projekt zur weiteren Erschließung digitalisierter historischer Schulbuchbestände“. Poster at the 8th conference of the association "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" - DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 07. - 11. März 2022. Poster: DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6322544, Abstract: DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6328118 .
  • Nieländer, Maret: „DiaCollo für GEI-Digital. Computerlinguistische Werkzeuge für die Analyse von mehr als 5000 historischen deutschsprachigen Schulbüchern“, in: Oberdorf, Andreas (ed.): Digital Turn und Historische Bildungsforschung. Bestandsaufnahme – Forschungsperspektiven, Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt 2022, p. 33-48. DOI: 10.35468/5952-03 .
  • Orellana, María Isabel and Nicole Araya (Chile, MEGM): La imagen de Gabriela en la escuela (1920-1960), in: Historia Historia social de la educación chilena, Bd. 7: Estado docente con crecientes niveles de responsabilidad de sus aulas. Chile, 1920-1973. Mujeres, educación rural y regiones, Santiago de Chile, 2022, Chapter 2.
  • Roldan Vera, Eugenia: El amor en la pedagogía de Pestalozzi, In: Anuario Mexicano de Historia de la Educación, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2022, p. 85-94.
  • Bermejo Malumbres, Mikel (Spain, Madrid, UNED): The homogenisation of citizens through Grammar, Arithmetic and Manuscript school textbooks at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century in Spain, Master's thesis (supervisor Gabriela Ossenbach), submitted October 2021.
  • Nieländer, Maret / Jurish, Bryan: "D* für Anfänger:innen: Ein Tutorial. Einfache und komplexe Suchanfragen, Frequenzanalysen und diachrone Kollokationsanalysen in der D*-Korpusmanagement-Umgebung", 2021, urn:nbn:de:0220-2021-0088 .
  • Jurish, Bryan / Nieländer, Maret: “Using DiaCollo for historical research”. In: Kiril Simov /Maria Eskevich (eds), Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 172 (2020), p. 33-40. Proceedings: Article:
  • Orellana, María Isabel: El lugar de la ciencia en la educación de las mujeres, Vol. 1: Enseñanza secundaria superior (1870-1950), Publikation des Museo de la Educacíon Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile, 2019., 2. revised and expanded edition, 2020.
  • Araya Oñate, Nicole (Chile, MEGM): Escolarizados y virtuosos. Niñas y niños representados en los silabarios y textos de lecture. Chile, 1840-1900, PDF-Publikation des Museo de la Educacíon Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile, 2019.

Research-based Digitisation

The GLOTREC partner institutions are digitising educational media in the course of their projects, both collaboratively and independently, in line with the DFG's 2022 code of practice  for ‘Digitisation’. When the research projects conclude in 2024, this digitised material (images and full-texts) will be made available in open access formats and will complement the Institute's digitised holdings currently available in GEI-Digital.

For further information on the projects or digitised material, please contact us at the following address:

Digital Exhibitions, Videos and Reports

  • Neuer Recherche-Service GLOTREC|Cat, in: Jahresbericht 2023, Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut, ed. by Eckhardt Fuchs, 2024, pp. 52-53.
  • Digital bibliography of Cuban textbooks 'Textos Escolares Cubanos. Biblioteca Digital de Textos Escolares Cubanos' (2023) digitised as part of research conducted by the GLOTREC network (01/08/2023),
  • Digital bibliography of Cuban textbooks 'Textos Escolares Cubanos. Biblioteca Digital de Textos Escolares Cubanos' (2023) digitised as part of research conducted by the GLOTREC network (01/08/2023).
  • Gabriela Ossenbach-Sauter on the 30th anniversary of MANES [minutes 14:28-14:58 on GLOTREC], in: El Centro MANES cumple 30 años. La UNED en La 2 de TVE, series 'Centro de Investigación MANES', (17.02.2023).
  • 'GLOTREC startet durch', Jahresbericht 2022, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute, ed. by Eckhardt Fuchs, 2023, pp. 60-61 [establishment phase, digitisation and research in GLOTREC].
  • 'Daten, Daten und noch mehr Daten', Jahresbericht 2021, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute, ed. by Eckhardt Fuchs, 2022, pp. 58-59 [data preparation and management in GLOTREC].
  • 'Projektstart GLOTREC', Jahresbericht 2020, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute, ed. by Eckhardt Fuchs, 2021, pp. 48-49 [Consolidation of the infrastructure and of the international activities in GLOTREC].