Interpretations of Socialism between the Politics of History and the Stubbornness of Pedagogical Actors. A German-Polish Comparison

The project "Interpretations of Socialism between the Politics of History and the Stubbornness of Pedagogical Actors. A German-Polish Comparison" has set itself three central goals: First, by analyzing German and Polish curricula and history textbooks, state-preferred interpretations of history of the socialist past were to be reconstructed and compared. Second, on the basis of the material to be collected in biographical interviews, it was to be worked out to what extent history teachers in their memoirs refer to the cultural interpretation patterns elaborated in the analysis and how they integrate them into the respective life stories. Third, the aim was to examine how the relationship between cultural memory and individual memories affects the teaching of socialist past.

A comparison of Polish and German textbook narratives on the socialist past revealed serious differences. These lie on several levels. First, Polish students are confronted more clearly and directly with the violence of Stalinist rule than their German peers. Second, Polish textbooks portray the People's Republic of Poland primarily as a foreign-controlled country, while German textbooks focus much more on the responsibility of the country's own elite. Third, Polish textbooks are much more explicit in attributing a negative attitude toward the socialist system to members of their own society. German textbooks, on the other hand, paint a very differentiated picture. If it was possible to observe a dynamic in the content of German textbooks in the period 1989-2012, Polish textbooks remained largely unchanged.

The textbook analyses were followed by the collection, transcription, and evaluation of empirical data in the Polish and German research fields. As an example, the project focused on teachers teaching in Gdansk and Leipzig schools. Thus, those two cities were chosen for the study that are considered to be the triggers of the political changes in the two former socialist countries - Gdansk as the origin of the Solidarność movement and Leipzig as the birthplace of the Monday demonstrations. After reviewing the collected material, it was possible to determine that the patterns found in the textbook narratives are adopted as points of reference in the narration of one's own life story. In framing their own life stories, teachers made an effort to find different ways to identify with the leitmotifs prevalent in the textbooks. German teachers found it much easier to find the entry point into the narrative and to build the lines of connection between their lives and the interpretations known from the textbooks, among others. Polish teachers tried to interweave their lives with the political events they were familiar with from the master narratives and to shape their narrative through this prism. However, since they usually did not have individual and primary memories of the "big story" they knew from literature and the media, the narrative horizon seemed very limited.

In the classroom, instructors appeared primarily in the role of faithful public servants and relied heavily on curricular cues. This refutes the theses found in the literature that a number of teachers idealized the socialist period and reconstructed it through the prism of their positive individual memories in the classroom.

  • Events

    • Conference: Historical Education in Germany and Poland - Selection, Interpretation and Presentation of Learning Content", European Center of Solidarność Gdansk, 10.04.2014;
    • Workshops for students of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan; History Department of the University of Poznan, 5.12.2012 and 17.04.2013.

  • Publications
    • Grzempa Hanna, Socjalizm we wspomnieniach biograficznych nauczycieli historii. Wywiad biograficzny jako żródło informacji w badaniu pamięci [Socialism in the biographical memory of history teachers. The biographical interview as a source of information in memory research]. In: Adam Rajewski; Jakub Józefiak (eds.): Badania nad źródłami do historii XIX i XX wieku. Analizy i interpretacje, tom I [Source research on the history of the 19th and 20th centuries, analyses and interpretations. Vol. 1], Poznań 2014, pp. 121-32.
    • Grzempa Hanna, Unity in diversity? Limits and Possibilities of Designing History Textbooks in Poland after 1989/90. In: Eva Matthes; Sylvia Schütze (eds.): 1989 und Bildungsmedien, Bad Heilbrunn 2016, pp. 132-143.

  • Lectures and presentations
    • Interpretations of Socialism between Politics of History and Stubbornness of Pedagogical Actors. German - Polish Comparison; DHI Warsaw, 23.05.2012.
    • Biographical Interviews and Classroom Observation. Methods of Empirical Research; Leibniz Doctoral Forum of Section A, RGZM Mainz, 10-11.09.2012.
    • The History of the Communist Regime in the Current German Textbooks; Conference: Education for Human Rights through the History of the Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union; Respiro Human Rights Research Centre Bucharest, 27.09.2012.
    • Curricula and Textbooks versus Teacher biography? The Socialist Past in the German and Polish history Classroom; Summer School, GEI Braunschweig, 23.09.2013.
    • Socialist Past in the German and Polish Curricula, Textbooks and the Individual Memory of Teachers; Conference: Historical Education in Germany and Poland - Selection, Interpretation and Presentation of Learning Content, European Centre of Solidarność Gdansk, 10.04.2014.
    • Interpretations of socialism between historical politics and obstinacy of pedagogical actors. German - Polish Comparison; German-Polish-Ukrainian Summer School, DPI Darmstadt, 10.09.2014.
    • Unity in diversity? Limits and possibilities of designing history textbooks in Poland after 1989/90; Annual conference of IGSBi Berlin, 26.09.2014.
    • Memory conflicts around socialism in German and Polish historical school education; Conference: Dialogues on Memory; University of Poznan, 18.12.2014.

Project Team

  • Prof. Dr. Simone Lässig  | Project management
  • Hanna Grzempa | Project editor
  • Further project information

    Project duration

    • March 2012-May 2014


    • German-Polish Science Foundation / Polsko-Niemiecka Fundacja na rzecz Nauki


    • Institut für Geschichte der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität (Institute of History of the Adam Mickiewicz University) in Poznań, PD Dr. Violetta Julkowska
