Digital Teaching And Learning

New laptops – and now learning is fun? Research by the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media on Braunschweig’s ‘laptop classes’ does not support this simple equation. Two previous studies have shown that the introduction of laptops does elicit positive change and discussions about the potential of digital teaching and learning, but it comes with significant challenges.

  • Aims

    The goal of the follow-up study ‘Digital Teaching and Learning’ is to describe the potential media shift in the school context and to formulate implications for how to deal with digital educational media in schools in the future.

  • Methodology

    One part of the planned study focuses on the educational media used (digital textbooks, learning software, online material and applications, etc.) and systematically documents their use. The other part looks at specific lessons in different subjects and concentrates on the learning culture , which develops out of an interplay between digital media content and adoption practices of teachers and pupils in the institutional framework.

  • Predecessor Project

    Within the framework of the project ‘Flexible learning in the interactive classroom’, supported by the Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig (Braunschweig Civic Foundation), the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media devised the companion study ‘Electronic Media in the Classroom’ in 2012. The study produced consolidated findings concerning the introduction of laptop computers into classrooms and the unique technical, organisational, educational and individual challenges this presented. The final report can be read here.

    The follow-up study built on the findings and conclusions of its companion study and was divided into two sub-projects that addressed questions concerning the ‘application of electronic educational media in Braunschweig’s laptop classes’. The first sub-project examined the dissemination, reception and acquisition of digital educational media content in lessons from a communications studies perspective and compared this with traditional schoolwork. Informed by didactics, the second sub-project concentrated on historical learning with digital educational media and investigated the potential of this media shift. The final report on this part of the study can be read here.

  • Publications

    • Bock, A./ Tribukait, M.: The Culture of Sharing. A Critical Examination of a Key Concept of the OER Movement. In: MedienPädagogik, online verfügbar.
    • Bock, A./ Tribukait, M.: Kultur des Teilens. Ein kritischer Blick auf ein zentrales Konzept der OER-Bewegung. In: MedienPädagogik, 2019, open acces, online verfügbar.
    • Tribukait, M.: "Zwischen digitalen Angeboten und geschichtsdidaktischen Anforderungen: Zur Medialität des Geschichtsunterrichts". Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik. 2018 (17), 135-149.
    • Bock, A./ Probst, L.: Opening up the classroom: Enabling and interrupting digital media practices in School. In Education in the North, Special issue: Perspectives on Spaces for Teaching and Learning, 2018, open access, available online.
    • Bock, A./ Probst, L. (2018): Dossier – Digitales Lehren und Lernen. Wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung zur Einführung mobiler Endgeräte in Niedersächsischen Schulklassen der Sek I/ Level 2 ISCED. In: Eckert.Dossiers, available online.
    • Bock, A./ Niehaus, I./ Tribukait, M.: Verwendung digitaler Bildungsmedieninhalte in Braunschweiger Notebook-Klassen. GEI Working Paper, 2015, available online.

  • Presentations

    • (2019) Bildungs(un)gerechtigkeit in digitalen Öffentlichkeiten: Zum Verhältnis von Deutungshoheit und sozio-ökonomisch gerahmten Partizipationschancen; Vortrag – Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft in Münster, Annekatrin Bock and Anne Schulze
    • (2018) Kultur des Teilens und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe - Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Mannheim, Annekatrin Bock and Maren Tribukait
    • (2018) „Bildungsmedieninfrastruktur“ Experten-Hearing für das baden-württembergische Kultusministerium, Referat Medienpädagogik und digitale Bildung, Annekatrin Bock

Project Team
