Dr Maren Tribukait
Maren Tribukait joined the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media in 2013 and works in research and knowledge transfer. She leads the 'Teaching in a Mediatised World' research team and her research focusses on history and civic education and the changes occurring in schools as a result of digital networks and increasing political polarisation. She is also the academic head of the GEI’s digital lab, The Basement, which encourages the exchange of ideas between academia and educational practice and where digital practices can be analysed and innovative didactic approaches tested.
She studied history and German studies in Berlin and London and was a textbook editor at the Ernst Klett Verlag from 2002 until 2008. She then joined the postgraduate programme at the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology at the University of Bielefeld and was awarded her doctorate in 2013 for her thesis in the field of media history.
- MakingHistories (2023-2026): This interdisciplinary, international joint project explores the extent to which dialogic activities can transform history teaching in schools and other places of learning.
- Digital Citizenship Education: Using ‘Serious Games’ as Interventions (2022–2023) – The aim of the study is to research a range of approaches to digital citizenship education and its implementation in educational media, particularly in ‘serious games’.
- Virtual Reality in Postdigital Spaces: Students as Game Developers (VRPR) (2023) - The aim of this participative research and practice project is to research the design of a VR game by students from a transdisciplinary perspective.
- Construction of a digital lab (2019–2021). The digital lab "The Basement" provides researchers, teachers, pupils and developers with the opportunity to investigate the potential of digital educational media in social studies subjects and the space to develop new ideas away from the routine of daily school life.
- Learning to Disagree (2017-2020). This project aimed to support teachers in Europe in their approaches to controversial or sensitive topics in history and politics lessons. On the basis of a needs assessment, the project team developed teaching materials that employ multiple perspectives to address relevant pan-European historic and political topics, and designs teacher guides that address discussion formats and assessment criteria.
- Edu.reviews (2013–2019): This platform brought together a variety of perspectives on textbooks by publishing textbook reviews by teachers and pupils, researchers and students.
- Innovative History Education for All (2014-2017): This European collaborative project developed digital tools for the history classroom and made them accessible to history teachers across Europe via the learning portal Historiana. The GEI produced a report on the official standards for curricula and education policy pertaining to digital learning in Europe.
- Digital Teaching and Learning – Notebooks in the Classroom (2014-2015): This qualitative study examined, from the perspective of history didactics, the extent to which digital media can support history education (Project Part II).
- Gefährliche Sensationen: Die Visualisierung von Verbrechen in deutschen und amerikanischen Pressefotografien 1920–1970. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2017.
- 'Transformationen der Leistung in Schule und Bildungsmedien'. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2023. (With Janina Becker and Andreas Weich) (forthcoming)
- ‘The politics of doing history education: Memory practices in contemporary classrooms’. In Historical Encounters 2020 (7) 2. (with Felicitas Macgilchrist) https://www.hej-hermes.net/vol7-no2
- ‘Schulbuch’ Non Fiktion. Arsenal der anderen Gattungen; 2. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag. 2014.
Peer-reviewed papers
- ‘Transformationen der Leistung in Schule und Bildungsmedien: Einleitung‘. In Transformationen der Leistung in Schule und Bildungsmedien. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2023. (With Janina Becker and Andreas Weich) (forthcoming).
- ‘Impulse und Irritationen: Das transformative Potential eines digitalen Schulbuchs für den Geschichtsunterricht‘. In Medienimpulse. 2022(1). (With Annekatrin Bock). doi.org/10.21243/mi-01-22-02
- ‘Students’ prejudice as a teaching challenge: How European history educators deal with controversial and sensitive issues in a climate of political polarization’. In Theory & Research in Social Education 2021. DOI: 10.1080/00933104.2021.1947426.
- ‘Digital learning in European history education: Political visions, the logics of schools and teaching practices’. In History Education Research Journal 2020 (17) 1, 5–22. DOI https://doi.org/10.18546/HERJ.17.1.02.
- ‘Introduction - The politics of doing history education: Memory practices in contemporary classrooms’. In Historical Encounters, 2020 (7) 2, 1–10. (With Felicitas Macgilchrist), https://www.hej-hermes.net/vol7-no2
- ‘Kultur des Teilens: Ein kritischer Blick auf ein zentrales Konzept der OER-Bewegung’. In MedienPädagogik 2019(34), 47–66. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/34/2019.02.22.X [open access]. (with Annekatrin Bock)
- ‘Zwischen digitalen Angeboten und geschichtsdidaktischen Anforderungen: Zur Medialität des Geschichtsunterrichts’. In Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik. 2018 (17), 135–149.
Reports and dossiers
- Learning to Disagree: Policy Recommendations. GEI Policy Brief 1/2021, (with Barbara Christophe). https://repository.gei.de/handle/11428/320
- (2019). Learning to Disagree: Needs Assessment. Eckert.Dossier 5 (2019). urn:nbn:de:0220-2019-0066. (with Barbara Christophe)
- 'Zwischen schulischer Funktionalität und gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung: Schulbücher aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher Nutzerinnen und Nutzer'. (ed) Eckert. Dossiers 1 (2019) [open access]. repository.gei.de/handle/11428/298
- 'Digital Learning in European Education Policies and History Curricula'. Eckert. Dossiers 13 (2017) [open access]. repository.gei.de/handle/11428/232 (with Katharina Baier, Hanna Grzempa, Antigoni Loukovitou, Romana Sijakovic, Nadin Tettschlag and Denis Vuka)
- 'Abschlussbericht: Verwendung elektronischer Bildungsmedieninhalte in Braunschweiger Notebook-Klassen'. Eckert. Working Papers 5 (2015) [open access]. repository.gei.de/handle/11428/130 (with Annekatrin Bock and Inga Niehaus)
Other publications
- ‘The Basement - ein "Klassenraum der Zukunft"‘. In Monique Meier, Katrin Ziepprecht, Marcus Hammann, Rita Wodzinski and Gilbert Greefrath (eds). Lehr-Lern-Labore und Digitalisierung. Edition Fachdidaktiken. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 2023, (with Janina Becker).
- ‘Historiana: An Online Resource Designed to Promote Multi-Perspective and Transnational History Teaching’. In Mario Carretero, María Cantabrana and Cristian Parellada (eds). History Education in the Digital Age. Cham: Springer. 2022, 65–83, (with Steven Stegers), doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10743-6_4
- ‘Everything Stays Different: Learning with Digital Media’. Eckert. Das Bulletin. 2016, 27–28.
- ‘Full of Life and with a Digital Touch: Trends in the ‘Textbook of the Year’ Competition 2015’. Eckert. Das Bulletin. 2015, 86.
- ‘Zwischen “berechtigter Sensation” und zu viel “Tempo”: Zum Unterhaltungsjournalismus des Ullstein Verlags’ in David Oels and Ute Schneider (eds). 'Der ganze Verlag ist einfach eine Bonbonniere’: Ullstein in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2015, 344–361.
- ‘Das Schulbuch wird das Leitmedium des Unterrichts bleiben: Philipp Haußmann, Vorstandssprecher der Ernst Klett AG, im Interview mit David Oels und Maren Tribukait’. (ed.). Schulbuch. Non Fiktion. Arsenal der anderen Gattungen; 2. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2014, 95–107.
- ‘Editorial’. (ed.). Schulbuch. Non Fiktion. Arsenal der anderen Gattungen; 2. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag 2014, 5–13.
- ‘Von toten und lebenden Inhalten: Heiko Przhodnik und Hans Hellfried Wedenig, Initiatoren der Plattform Schulbuch-O-Mat, im Interview mit Maren Tribukait’. (ed). Schulbuch. Non Fiktion. Arsenal der anderen Gattungen; 2. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag 2014, 108–121.
- ‘Das Zeigen, Vergessen und Erinnern von Pressefotografien – zur Funktionsweise der Massenmedien als visuelles Archiv’ in Anja Horstmann and Vanina Kopp (eds). Archiv – Macht – Wissen. Organisation und Konstruktion von Wissen und Wirklichkeiten in Archiven. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag 2010, 175–190.
- 'Rezension zu: Konrad Dussel: Bilder als Botschaft. Bildstrukturen deutscher Illustrierter 1905–1945 im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Wirtschaft und Publikum. Köln 2019, in: H-Soz-Kult 26.02.2021, <www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/reb-27790>
- 'Rezension zu: Christine Karallus: Die Sichtbarkeit des Verbrechens. Die Tatortfotografie als Beweismittel um 1900. Berlin 2017’ in Visual History: Online-Nachschlagewerk für die historische Bildforschung, https://www.visual-history.de/2018/09/03/rezension-karallus-sichtbarkeit-des-verbrechens/, 2018 [open access].
- ‘Rezension zu: Nadine Ritzer: Der Kalte Krieg in den Schweizer Schulen. Eine kulturgeschichtliche Analyse. Bern 2015’. In Didactica Historica: revue suisse pour l'enseignement de l'histoire, 3(2017), 169–170.
- 'Rezension zu: Patricia Gozalbez Cantó: Fotografische Inszenierungen von Weiblichkeit. Massenmediale und künstlerische Frauenbilder der 1920er und 1930er Jahre in Deutschland und Spanien. Bielefeld 2012'. H-Soz-Kult, 12.11.2013, <www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/rezbuecher-18721>