Educational Media: Production, Practice, Politics
This project explored how textbooks and other school-based educational media are produced in contexts of globalization. The descriptive question was: How are decisions made about what is worth knowing or remembering (here and now)? The analytical question was: What does this tell us about the stabilization and destabilization of hegemonic formations.
The theoretical frame for the project is recent developments in discourse theory and memory studies. In order to engage with the dynamics of discourse and memory, an ethnographic approach was adopted. From 2009 to 2011 Felicitas Macgilchrist followed the production of a range of “educational media products” for secondary level History and Politics.
Where much research on discourse and memory has to date focused primarily on the stabilization of hegemonic formations (e.g. national identities, neoliberalism, images of the other), an ethnographic discourse analysis enables the identification of moments of destabilization, i.e. fissures and gaps in these formations. In the project, conflicts were observed over, for instance, the representation of postcolonial world history, Poland in today’s Europe, the roots of democracy, socialism during the 1918/19 revolution, and pre-colonial Africa.
In these moments of destabilization, potentials for future political change become visible. In this sense, educational media (texts) are not only an indication of “consensus knowledge” but also of which contradictory knowledges are currently struggling for hegemony.
The project was completed in 2012. A follow-up project, running from 2013 to 2016, explores the use of these materials in today’s schools: Memory Practices: Enacting and contesting the curriculum in contemporary classrooms.
In 2016 Felicitas Macgilchrist completed her “habilitation” at the Technical University Braunschweig with a written submission based on this research project. The title was “Textbook Production: The entangled practices of developing curricular materials for schools”.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2009). Lebensansichten eines Schulbuches. Eckert: Das Bulletin, 5, 38-39.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2009). Postkolonialismus und Schulbuchentwicklung: Ein Blick aus der Schulbuchpraxis. Eckert: Das Bulletin, 6, 9-11.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2011). Globalisierung und Holocausterziehung. Eckert: Das Bulletin, 9, 37-38.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2011). Schulbücher und Postkolonialismus: Die Praxis der Schulbuchentwicklung. In K. W. Hoffmann & P. Kersting (Eds.), AfrikaSpiegelBilder: Reflexionen europäischer Afrikabilder in Wissenschaft, Schule und Alltag (Vol. 12, pp. 29-35). Mainz: Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2011). Schulbuchverlage als Organisationen der Diskursproduktion: Eine ethnographische Perspektive [Educational publishers as organisations of discourse production: An ethnographic perspective]. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 31(3), 248-263.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2012). E-Schulbücher, iPads und Interpassivität: Refexionen über neue schulische Bildungsmedien und deren Subjektivationspotential. bildungsforschung, 9(1), 180-204. Retrieved from
- Macgilchrist, F. (2012). Global subjects: Exploring subjectivation through ethnography of media production. Pragmatics, 22(3), 417-445.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2014). Media discourse and de/coloniality: A post-foundational approach. In C. Hart & P. Cap (Eds.), Contemporary Studies in Critical Discourse Analysis (pp. 387-407). London: Bloomsbury.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2015). Bildungsmedienverlage: Zur Ökonomisierung in der Schulbuchproduktion. Die Deutsche Schule, 2015(1), 49-61.
- Macgilchrist, F. (2015). Geschichte und Dissens: Diskursives Ringen um Demokratie in der Schulbuchproduktion. In S. Fegter, F. Kessl, A. Langer, M. Ott, D. Rothe, & D. Wrana (Eds.), Erziehungswissenschaftliche Diskursforschung: Empirische Analysen zu Bildungs- und Erziehungsverhältnissen (pp. 193-209). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Macgilchrist, F., & Christophe, B. (2011). Shaping the global: Theory and methods for exploring the production of globalization with educational media. In S. Knudsen, J. Rodriguez, & M. Horsley (Eds.), Local, National, and Transnational Identities in Textbooks and Educational Media (pp. 101-111). Santiago de Compostela: IARTEM.
- Macgilchrist, F., & Christophe, B. (2011). Translating globalization theories into educational research: Thoughts on recent shifts in Holocaust education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32(1), 145-158.
- Macgilchrist, F., & Müller, L. (2012). Kolonialismus und Modernisierung: Das diskursive Ringen um Afrika bei der Schulbuchentwicklung. In M. Aßner, J. Breidbach, A.-A. Mohammed, D. Schommer, & K. Voss (Eds.), AfrikaBilder im Wandel? (pp. 195-208). Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
- Macgilchrist, F., & Van Praet, E. (2013). Writing the history of the victors? Discourse, social change and (radical) democracy. Journal of Language and Politics, 12(4), 626-651.