Within the framework of start-up funding by the Leibniz Association, a third-party project proposal was to be prepared, based on the following design: In the project, discursive references to Europe will be examined on the material of German and Polish history and geography books with the aim of making visible the outlines of a non-categorical European semantics, which is assumed to constitute the framework of a new kind of flexible-modern European identity formation.
It is postulated that while national semantics centers on membership in an (imagined) community and consequently on categorization phenomena according to the us-them scheme, contemporary European semantics must exhibit different patterns. Under the conditions of globalization, the construction and maintenance of large groups becomes more difficult. The plurality of one's own social affiliations is experienced more and more intensely to the point of shifting attention from belonging to the state of being of the self during the constant change and permanently occurring translation processes. It can be assumed that such discursive phenomena as a polycentric structuring of social reality, blurring or crossing of boundaries, cross-categorization, construction of social reality as dynamic and changeable, subject-centeredness instead of group-centeredness, change of perspective or multi-perspectivity constitute the cornerstones of a non-categorial semantics in which contemporary European identity is grounded.
Following on from the questions posed by the Leibniz Research Network "Historical Authenticity", particular attention will be paid to the extent to which the flexible-modern constructions of subjects in the European context come across as "authentic". "Authenticity" is understood in a first conceptualization as embeddedness in the lifeworld experience horizons of the subjects. In this sense, the abstinence with regard to a European "we" could be interpreted as meaning that "Europe" is an identity project that, compared to the "nation," grants the individual more autonomy in experiencing his/her social anchoring.
Research proposals
- Volkswagen Foundation, subproject of the project: The Semantics of Crisis: Europe and the European Self in German, French, Spanish, Polish and Ukrainian Educational and Political Discourses; project draft submitted on 16.10.2017 (a project consortium of GEI, University of Rzeszów, Poland, and Black Sea University Mykolajiv, Ukraine).
- German Research Foundation: European identity as authentic experience? Manifestations of a non-categorical discourse semantics for Europe on material from German and Polish textbooks; submitted on 15.11.2016.
- Telus, M.: "Europe! Rise from your knees!" Eastern European Concepts of Europe in a Pan-European Context. Marbacher Forum Zeitgeschichte, lecture series "Europe - wohin", 15.3.2018.
- Telus, M.: Dyskursywne sposoby konstrucji tożsamości rozmytych. Zarys projektu badawczego na materiale tożsamości europejskiej w podręcznikach szkolnych, Podlesice, 25.4.2017, Uniwersytet Wrocławski.
- Telus, M.: Vom Schulbuch zum Weltbild: Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung und die Internationalisierung des Denkens, Ludwigshafen, 9.2.2017, Organizer: Evangelische Akademie der Pfalz.
- Telus, M.: National Constructs of Identity versus Images of Europe in Textbooks: Ruptures, Continuities and Change, Kiev, 26.11.2016, Organizer: GEI, Nova Doba.
- Telus, M.: European crisis from the perspective of Polish right-wing populists. 19.11.2018, Lecture Series "Europe in Crisis" at Saarland University (Master European Cultural Studies) - WiSe 2018/19.
- Telus, M.: Two semantics, two subject models. 4.12.2017, Saarland University, Lecture Series (Master European Cultural Studies) - WiSe 2017/18.
- Telus, M.: Telus: Dyskursywne sposoby konstrukcji tożsamości rozmytych. Zarys projektu badawczego na materiale tożsamości europejskiej w podręcznikach szkolnych. In: Grech, Michał u. a. (eds.): Badanie komunikacji. Vol. 1. Kraków: Libron, 2018, pp. 71-95.
- Europe as "Us" and "Not Us". On the image of Europe among Polish national conservatives. In: Poland Analyses, 228 (18.12.2018), www.laender-analysen.de/polen/pdf/PolenAnalysen228.pdf.
- Telus, M.: Nation - Europe: two semantics, two subject models. Or rather three? In: Wenz, Georg u. Klaus Kufeld (eds.) 2017: The new turmoil of nationalism - Between agony and buoyancy. Landau: Evangelische Akademie der Pfalz, pp. 53-81.
- Telus, M.: The Nation and Europe: Semantics and Subject Models. In: Polina Verbytska, Robert Maier (Eds.). Images of Europe in Transition. Textbook Representations in Post-Soviet Space. Eckert. Dossiers 16 (2017), 140-156; repository.gei.de/handle/11428/237.
- Telus, M.: The German-Polish History Book: On the Advantage of the Dialogical. In: M. Klüh, R. Marti (eds.), Ost-westlicher Dialog - Dialog Wschodu i Zachodu (= Saravi pontes 5); parallel print: Kulska, Joanna (ed.): Oblicza pojednania. Faces od reconciliation. (S. 111-125). Opole: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2016.