
A project contributing to the empirically-based construction of theories in the field of human-machine interactions with generative AI within historical and political education.

The PhD project GeschAIt explores the implementation of generative AI (Artifical intelligence) – in text-form – in historical and political education settings. Using participative interviews with people with the relevant expertise (students, teachers, educationalists, prompt engineers), the project team will develop tasks suitable for processing historical and political topics using generative AI. The resulting educational material will then be given to students to work with in the GEI’s digital lab, ‘The Basement’, with the aid of generative AI in a special teaching/learning setting.

  • Aims

    One of the aims of the project is to contribute empirically-based input to the construction of theories in the field of human-machine interactions within historical and political education. Another aim is to rethink historical and political learning through the application of praxeological approaches and ensure its design is sustainable and needs-driven.  

  • Methodology

    How students address the tasks will be observed according to ethno-methodological theories and practice-theory premises. The project team will focus particularly on the practices used by students in dealing with generative AI, in order to profile the interface between everyday digital practices (‘doing AI’) and subject-specific practices and the resolution of tasks in the historical and political education setting (‘doing history’) in the post-digital age.

Project team
