This participative practical and research project aims to give students in a computer studies club the opportunity to develop a VR game in The Basement, and to research this process from a number of perspectives. The topics will be decided by the practitioners: The teachers‘ suggestion to design a game as a time travelling journey through mathematics and science will be developed and expanded by the students. The research project will explore (1) how the students incorporate the subject into their game design, for example in terms of their information technology and game programming skills and (2) how the design process in a post-digital space stimulates a critical refelction of VR technology and the content it presents.
The project team will follow a social living labs approach and examine these questions using user-oriented methods and phases of co-creation, exploration, experimentation and co-reflection, which will be evaluated through participative observations, reflection discussions, interviews and the end product. Looking at the interactions on the social, socio-technical and symbolic levels should make it possible to grasp the complex processes involved in such situated learning.