Georg Eckert Research Award
The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute has presented the biennial Georg Eckert research award since 2010. The award honours excellence in academic work in the field of international research into educational media. It is presented for academic works which – topically or historically – relate to cultural, social, political or pedagogical aspects of textbooks and other educational media used in schools. In 2014 the Georg Eckert Institute also introduced an award for young academics, which aims to advance early-career scholars.
The award is given in recognition of outstanding monographs, doctoral theses or post-doctoral works such as habilitation theses, as well as for edited volumes (the editors are the recipients in the latter case). Candidates for the award may put themselves forward or be nominated by others.

The award is endowed with a 5,000 EUR prize, of which 2,500 euros constitutes a grant for academic costs. This could, for example, be used to cover the costs of publication in the book series Bildungsmedien (Verlag V&R, Göttingen), as a conference subsidy or as a research grant. More than one work may be honoured if this is felt to be appropriate.
The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute funds a special prize for young academics, which is worth 1,000 euros and awarded for a final thesis (Master’s thesis, Staatsexamen, diploma thesis; no Bachelor’s dissertations). More than one work may be honoured if this is felt to be appropriate. Submitted works should be accompanied with assessments from specialists in the field. The award winner will also be offered the opportunity to publish his or her work in an online (open access) publication.