Anti-Muslim Attitudes in Textbooks (SchuMu)

An analysis of curricula and textbooks for subjects taught at secondary level in German schools that foster a sense of meaning and identity, such as history, politics/social studies, geography and civics, aimed to discover the contexts in which Muslims are mentioned and whether Anti-Muslim discrimination is addressed.

The project has been funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior as a contribution to the Independent Expert Group on Muslim Hostility of the Federal Government of Germany.

A 2011 study by the GEI of the depiction of Islam in European textbooks had revealed that Islam is featured overwhelmingly in the context of conflict and that textbooks rarely name individual Muslims. The initial investigation of curricula and textbooks for the above-mentioned comparative European study illustrated that more intensive research was required on how Muslims and Islam are portrayed in educational media.

  • Aims

    Education in schools has the potential to help overcome fixed prejudices and stereotypes by providing young people with a greater breadth of information thus enabling them to form a differentiated view of the world. The project aimed at analysing current curricula and textbooks for German schools to determine the extent to which this potential is exercised in relation to the portrayal of Islam and Muslims.

  • Methodology

    This project therefore examined the portrayal of Muslims in current curricula and textbooks for secondary education in subjects that build identity, such as geography, history and politics/social studies. The first step in the project was to examine the curricula to establish the policy aims associated with how the subjects of anti-Muslim attitudes or the portrayal of Muslims are addressed in school education. On the foundations of the curricula analysis, the second step was to investigate the portrayal of Muslims in text and images included in textbooks. The final step was to qualitatively analyse text passages that reference or picture Muslims, or mention anti-Muslim attitudes.

  • Results

    During the project a workshop was held to discuss preliminary results of the curriculum and textbook analysis with representatives of Islamic organisations and Muslim communities.

    The study was published as an Eckert.Dossier after the Independent Expert Group on Muslim Hostility of the Federal Government of Germany had been handed over its general report to the German Bundestag:

    Subsequent to the project, the project team was commissioned by the Berlin Senate Committee for Work, Society, Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-discrimination to undertake a study of the portrayal of Islam and Muslims in curricula, textbooks and other teaching materials used by teachers in Berlin.

Project Team


  • Event on 12.11.2024, organised by the Verband muslimischer Lehrkräfte e.V 'Islam und Muslimfeindlichkeit im Schulbuch - von der kritischen Bestandsaufnahme zu Impulsen für die Weiterentwicklung‘ (Islam and Islamophobia in textbooks - from a critical appraisal to impetuses for development). Speakers: Riem Spielhaus, Jan Düsterhöft, Radwa Shalaby, Laura Beusmann.

  • Riem Spielhaus talking to Isabell Diekmann in the series "Diskriminierung & Rassismus" in the podcast Konfliktgespräche of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence, IKG – 6th episode: "Islam & Muslim*innen in Schulbüchern", published on 25 June 2024.

  • Riem Spielhaus talking to Christian Röther: "Das Islambild in deutschen Schulbüchern: nicht falsch, aber oft einseitig", Deutschlandfunk Tag für Tag, 22 April 2024.
  • Riem Spielhaus in interview: "Exklusiv: Die Wahrheit über DEINE Schulbücher", in the YouTube format DIE DA OBEN by funk, 13 December 2023.
  • Further Project Information


    Project Duration

    • 15 December 2021 – 15 September 2022

    Project Funding
