Generative AI as an educational medium. An interview study exploring the implementation of specific AI for schools in classrooms

In this project we investigate the general research question of how teachers can implement generative artificial intelligence (AI) in lessons and what consequences this could have for them, their students and their lessons. One focus of the study will be on social sciences teaching (i.e. history, geography, social studies/politics, ethics and religion). We assume that the implementation of generative AI will transform lessons or will at least challenge the usual teaching structure. This interview study accompanies research for the project ‘AI in the classroom with schulKI’ (KI im Klassenzimmer mit schulKI) being run by the German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS). As part of this study, 71 schools from across Germany were provided with free and data-protection-compliant access to ChatGPT and other generative AI systems through the schulKI platform (between June and September 2023).

  • Aims

    From a subject-specific, cultural science perspective the project will:

    • explore the continuity or change in lessons during the implementation of generative AI, particularly in terms of the role of the teacher, the lesson design and processes and any reflection on the AI itself
    • research opportunities and challenges related to the integration of AI in the classroom.
    • establish transfer possibilities, proposals and best practice examples for teaching practice.

  • Methodology

    A questionnaire has been developed on the basis of the media constellation model, to be used during structured interviews, based on specific guidelines, with teachers (25-30, approx. 60 mins duration) between December 2023 and spring 2024. The interviews focus on knowledge/practices and subject positions in lessons using generative AI. The interviews will be transcribed and evaluated using content analysis methods. Exercises and chat protocols from the lessons can be triangulated with the findings from the interviews.

  • Results

    The findings should provide explorative insights into how generative AI is implemented in the classroom and what changes are subsequently necessary for teachers, students and the lesson overall. In addition, the study should identify the potential, and the potential challenges, of using generative AI in lessons, which can be communicated within academic and public circles.
