Global citizenship education (GCE) has been one of the key current topics in international education. As part of the "" project funded by the German Foreign Office, globalDAS centred on two previously under-researched aspects of GCE: the role of German Schools Abroad (Deutsche Auslandsschulen, DAS) and the significance of print and digital educational media in enacting global citizenship in international schools.
Short tweets/stories from the field were regularly posted on the project website.
The overarching question driving this research on global citizenship education at DAS was: How do Deutsche Auslandsschulen in different parts of the world creatively appropriate global citizenship in their daily practices? We were interested in, for instance, how pupils’ use of print and digital educational media in the classroom shape their understandings of global communities; how the diversity of DAS is linked to understandings of cultural and religious values; how pupils, individually and/or collectively, become engaged and take action through their media practices.
Three-week periods of observation at seven DAS in Asia, Africa, North and South America, Europe and the Middle East, including:
- Lesson observations
- Interviews with teachers and other staff
- Pupil focus groups
- Analysis of documents and media (curricula, education policy documents, textbooks, apps and other digital media)
- Szakács-Behling, S., A. Bock, C. I. Keßler, F. Macgilchrist, R. Spielhaus (2021) Global Citizenship in motion: Comparing Cross-Border Practices in German Schools Abroad. In Klerides E. & S. Carney (Eds.) Identities and education: Comparative perspectives in times of crisis (pp. 95-116). Bloomsbury.
- Keßler, C. I. & Szakács-Behling, S. (2020) Researching the Transnational and Transnationalizing the Research: Towards a Methodological Turn in Education. In Machold, C, A. Messerschmidt & S. Hornberg (Eds.) Jenseits des Nationalen? Erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (pp.183-199). Barbara Budrich.
- Keßler, C. I. (2020) “ich will dann meine Zukunft irgendwie so kreieren”. (Narrative) Arbeit am eigenen Selbst von Schülerinnen und Schülern in transnationalen Bildungsräumen. In Deppe, U. (Hg.): Die Arbeit am Selbst. Theorie und Empirie zu Bildungsaufstiegen und exklusiven Karrieren (pp. 187-207). Springer VS.