Racist ideologies and practices continue to constitute a global problem that is also present within educational media. Such media are not neutral methods of disseminating knowledge; rather countless textbook studies from numerous countries have demonstrated that textbooks frequently contain racist stereotypes and either promote or maintain prejudiced points of view.
Unmasking Racism: Guidelines for Educational Materials is a document written by UNESCO in cooperation with the GEI, which contains detailed recommendations on how racism in textbooks can be combatted and how textbooks can foster a critical understanding of racism.
In addition, the Guidelines compile academic findings from international textbook studies, which provide an insight into the forms in which racism manifests itself in educational media worldwide. The Guidelines also deliver specific recommendations, which can be divided across four levels: firstly, specific recommendations provide support in the context of particular discourses; secondly, more general recommendations provide a cross-context overview of relevant criteria; thirdly, recommendations on the treatment of racism as a topic in textbooks aim to reflect on the social scope and effects of racism and finally, further considerations point to broader framework conditions for the development of racism-sensitive educational media
This publication is directed primarily towards those involved in curricula development and the production of textbooks, it also provides valuable information for education policy makers and educators.