Report on Palestinian Textbooks (PalTex)

The Palestinian Authority introduced fundamental curricula reforms in 2017, which resulted in new textbooks being produced for all subjects for the 2017/2018 academic year. A total of 172 textbooks and curricula for all school levels and for subjects in general education schools were analysed as part of this year-long project, which was funded by the EU. The research project examined content in Palestinian textbooks addressing hate or violence, the promotion of peace and religious coexistence as well as elements addressing reconciliation, tolerance and the observation of human rights.

The EU financed this study of Palestinian textbooks on the basis of UNESCO-defined criteria of peace, tolerance and non-violence in education. The study, carried out by the GEI, provides a comprehensive and objective analysis of current textbooks with regards to these international education standards.


  • FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions

Any queries regarding the content of study should be directed to the GEI’s press officer (see contact details, right). All other questions should be addressed to:

Ana Pisonero Hernandez
Tel: +32 2 295 43 20
E-mail: ana.pisonero-hernandez(at)

Press Officer

  • Further Project Information


    Project Duration

    • September 2019 – June 2021

    Project Funding

    • European Union
