Category Languages
À toi! 1B
Textbook for Teaching French
Edited by Peter Winz
Cornelsen Verlag, 2012
ISBN 978-3-06-020121-1À toi! impressed the jury with its consistent skill-centred approach. The orientation towards oral competence, which included outstanding spoken-word and listening comprehension exercises provides pupils with the skills to be able to communicate when in France. Diverse references to local and cultural aspects paint a realistic picture of society and appropriately gauged examples make French culture accessible.
Category History and Society
Plan L.
Leben bewusst gestalten
Ernährung – Konsum – Gesundheit
Edited by Silvia Leutnant
Schöningh Verlag, 2014
ISBN 978-3-14-018800-5Plan L. achieves quite a feat, inspiring a zest for life whilst encouraging critical thought. Plan L. impressively places domestic science topics within a global dimension. A fresh layout with apt photographs, clear tables and carefully researched text and information boxes encourages pupils to reflect upon their own lifestyle and habits, to understand context and to try new things.
Category STEM
mathe live 5
Mathematik für Sekundarstufe I
Ausgabe N
By Dorothee Göckel, Sabine Kliemann, Regina Puscher, Wolfram Schmidt, Rüdiger Vernay, Steffen Werner
Ernst Klett Verlag, 2014
ISBN 978-3-12-720510-7Our class, Well packaged, Flowers and leaves –a brief glance at the chapter headings indicates that mathe live takes a new approach to mathematics. Rather than using the theory of the subject as its starting point, the book uses our environment to inspire mathematical thinking. mathe live incorporates a checklist system providing the answers to the exercises, which in turn are aimed at mixed ability groups – and is a book that makes maths fun.