Award Winners

  • Category Languages


    Camden Town

    Sixth form English – introductory phase
    By Stephanie Claussen, Pamela Hanus, Matthias Lotz, Christoph Reuter, Mirja Schnoor, Christian Seydel and Sylvia Wauer
    Westermann 2018


    Camden Town appeals to pupils by including current and true-to-life topics using the ‘Global Education’ approach. The book is clearly laid out and consistently trains a range of skills. It is particularly successful at encouraging language awareness through the use of analysis, interpretation and text production. The book also focusses on ‘viewing exercises’, for which videos are available to download.


    Parcours plus

    French for the sixth form
    By Markus Buschhaus, Catherine Mann-Grabowski, Peter Winz, Christine Wlasak-Feik et al.
    Cornelsen 2017


    Covering an arc of topics from identity and self-perception to French values and profiles of cities such as Montreal, Dakar and Algiers, Parcours  plus invites pupils to explore France and the francophone world. The strong didactic concept includes skill-oriented exercises that enable differentiation on many levels. The systematic approach to receptive language exercises deftly trains a range of listening styles and reading strategies.


    Enfoques al mundo hispánico

    Spanish for the sixth form
    Edited by Anne-Katharina Brosius
    C.C. Buchner 2016


    Enfoques al mundo hispánico cleverly performs the balancing act between written and oral communication necessary at sixth form level, with the use of a varied set of exercises. The versatile and differentiated options make the book suitable for different types of learners and for older beginners. The excellent selection of topics and texts serve to motivate pupils by encompassing political issues such as memories of dictatorships or childhood poverty in Latin America.

  • Category Society


    Zeit für Geschichte

    Grammar School, Lower Saxony, year 11, history
    Edited by Hans-Wilhelm Eckhardt
    Westermann 2018


    Zeit für Geschichte confronts the concept of a new era dawning by focussing on contemporary history and going back as far as the beginning of the modern age. With this reverse chronology the book opens a new path that underpins its contemporary and problem-oriented perspective. The book uses an excellent range of materials, encompassing many new sources and diverse perspectives and providing many opportunities for group work.


    Diercke Erdkunde

    Introductory phase - geography
    Lower Saxony
    By Andreas Eberth, Christiane Meyer, Martin Häusler, Steffen Reblin and Yvonne von Roux
    Westermann 2017 


    The geography book Diercke Erdkunde is committed to implementing the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) methodology. The authors expertly develop global themes using local examples such as ‘Fracking in Lower Saxony’. The analysis of up-to-the-minute contemporary problems from all areas of life creates interest and maintains motivation. By frequently providing several local examples in the exercises, the book also responds to the interests and the environment of the pupils.


    Buchners Kolleg Geschichte

    Edition for Schleswig-Holstein
    Qualification phase - history
    Edited by Rolf Schulte and Benjamin Stello
    C.C. Buchner 2017


    This updated classic features carefully selected source material, which is based on the most up-to-date research and which depicts current controversies. On this basis pupils are able to systematically train their historical powers of judgement. The theory modules are worth special mention. They critically examine historical terms such as revolution, peace or nation-building and help to build pupils’ analytical abilities.
