Category Languages
Green Line
Oberstufe [A level]
Grund- und Leistungskurs [basic and advanced courses]
Nordrhein-Westfalen [North Rhine-Westphalia]
Ellen Butzko, Louise Carleton-Gertsch, Paul Dennis, Krista Eichler, Cornelia Kaminski, Nilgül Karabulut, Hartmut Klose, Silke Krieger, Gerda Piotrowiak, Michael Rogge, Thomas Tepe
Klett Verlag 2015
ISBN 978-3-12-530407-9The jury were impressed by Green Line’s broad spectrum of texts on topical issues such as migration and diversity, or science and utopia. There is a choice between normal and advanced texts for each topic and a separate 'diff pool' full of additional exercises, making differentiation easy. The textbook also incorporates sophisticated skills training. Its comprehensive explanations mean that Green Line provides help for all students and motivates them by providing interesting topics and exercises.
Category History and Society
Einführungsphase [introductory phase]
Edited by Bernd Rolf und Jörg Peters
C.C. Buchner 2014
ISBN 978-3-7661-6649-4Why do we need the state? Why makes human beings special? What does it mean to be moral? philo explores classic philosophical questions through current controversies such as the NSA spying scandal or tax evasion. The interesting arrangement of classical and modern texts encourages students to work through the questions posed at a fundamental level. philo cleverly combines a student-centred approach with challenging content and presents philosophy as a modern subject of thought.
Special Prize for Digital Educational Media
Das lange 19. Jahrhundert [The long nineteenth century]
Edited by Waltraud Schreiber, Florian Sochatzy und Marcus Ventzke
Institut für digitales Lernen 2013The mBook opens history teaching to the digital world. Basic principles such as multiperspectivity and controversialism are brilliantly translated through material that reflects current research. The fact the history is constantly being constructed is made comprehensible by the authors revealing their approach to the subject in short videos – a fantastic didactic device.