Category Languages
À plus!
Cornelsen, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-06-120972-8Editors/Authors: Corinna Martin-Werner, Lara Nikolic, Anne Loose, Catherine Mann-Grabowski
Learning a language means communicating, and interactive teaching elements achieve this particularly well. The revised edition of À plus! focusses specifically on such elements and provides a learner-oriented introduction to learning French as a foreign language. The content of the textbook is clear and well laid out and motivates pupils to learn the language; the comprehensive audio and video material, combined with the oral exercises on offer, also encourage active vocabulary use. The jury praised the ‘Atelier Théâtre’, in which improvised speech is linked with drama and creative exercises, as particularly innovative. The textbook demonstrates that language learning does not simply consist of learning lists of vocabulary and can instead be a medium through which to learn about other cultures and to communicate with other people.
¿Qué pasa? Nueva edición 5
Westermann, 2020ISBN: 978-3-425-16171-6
Editors/Authors: Michaela Silvia Acuna, Ane Fernández Fernández, Renate Gerling-Halbach, Conxa Moreno Báguena, Silvia Vega Ordóῆez, Claudia Villar, Christine Weißert
The new edition of the Spanish textbook ¿Qué pasa? has much highly topical content. Social and cultural events that have taken place in recent years in Spanish-speaking countries are used as source material that aims to deepen the pupils’ language knowledge. The textbook is strongly oriented towards the pupils with a clear focus on exercises. A particular feature of the book is that there are diverse possibilities for pupils to choose individual tasks. The publisher, Westermann, provides a differentiated range of exercises and topics which closely reflects the heterogeneity of the pupils. The ability to choose various combinations of main and subsidiary modules enables teachers to individually tailor their lessons.
prima. Latein
C.C. Buchner, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-661-40501-8Editors/Authors: Clemenz Utz, Andrea Kammerer
Development: Stefan Beck, Martin Biermann, Johannes Buhl, Jan Joest, Andrea Kammerer, Katja Larsen, Norbert Larsen, Stefanie Lohner, Oliver Meuser, Christian Müller, Stefan Müller, Isabelle Rhine, Frank Schwieger, Patrik Torwesten, Clement Utz, Christian ZitzlThis introduction to Latin and the world of ancient Rome offers many interactive possibilities that pique the learner’s interest. The content dealing with ancient myths and stories of everyday life in an era long past are made accessible for young pupils through the integration of numerous audio files and references to today’s world. A range of digital options not only teach Latin but also train the pupils’ digital skills without overshadowing the subject matter. The combination of different forms of contemporary media creates its own space for new experiences.
Category Society
EUROPA - Unsere Geschichte, Band 4
Eduversum Verlag, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-942708-33-3Editors/Authors: German-Polish Textbook Commission, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Centre for Historical Research in Berlin of the Polish Academy of Science
This textbook is produced in cooperation with Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne (WSiP) and is also published in Polish.This textbook on European history demonstrates the extent to which different national viewpoints can enrich the depiction of history. The close collaboration between Polish and German historians and educators has produced a forward-looking textbook that is of high quality both in terms of teaching methods and content. The transition between Polish, German and European perspectives on historical events provides a new approach to the subject matter, reflecting and magnifying the reality of Europe. The resulting intersection of diverse points of view, which aims to stimulate pupils to form an opinion, also makes this an interesting textbook for other subjects in the field of social studies.
Gesellschaft bewusst 5/6
Westermann, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-14-112990-8Editors/Authors: Lena Blanke, Lisa Freesemann, Peter Gaffga, Jens Gläser, Norma Kreuzberger, Frank Schweppenstette, Jens Siebert, Wolfgang Stark, Denise Weber, Astrid Ziron, Karin Zumpfort
With Gesellschaft bewusst, the Westermann publishing house has successfully brought history, geography, politics and economics together in one textbook. The didactic treatment of the interlinked themes enables a differentiated examination of the material for the individual subjects. The themes are presented in an age-appropriate manner and are oriented towards the everyday lives of year 5 and 6 pupils. The diverse educational methods used and the media approaches taken to the respective subject matter inspire an interest in research in the young students; learning is presented not just as the gathering of information but also as a way to actively gain insight. The examples used and the questions asked help to transform abstract knowledge into real solutions.
Category STEM
connected 3
Lehrmittelverlag Zürich, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-03713-778-9Editors/Authors: Dorit Assaf, Marc Feige, Claudia Fischer, Jörg Graf, Martin Guggisberg, Roger Mäder, Björn Maurer, Urs Meier, Igo Schaller, Stanley Schwab, Helen Stadelmann
This textbook for media and computer studies is striking due to its clear references to the everyday lives of year 7 pupils. The excellent contextualisation of the information enables lessons to be task-based. The book provides good didactic diversity and original ideas for pupil-appropriate lessons. Its mix of being a pupil textbook while also providing options for handouts and online material makes it suitable for a diverse target audience and enables comprehensive application of the teaching material. The exercises are carefully designed for the target audience and encourage skill acquisition on many levels as well as cooperative examination of media and computer studies beyond that addressed in lessons.
Biologie 8 – Bayern
C.C. Buchner, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-661-03008-1Editor/Author: Margit Schmidt
Development: Michaela Fleischmann, Kathrin Gritsch, Alina Hermann, Lena von Kotzebue, Johannes Schmidkonz, Sonja Schmidkonz, Margit Schmidt, Harald Steinhofer, Christoph Trescher, Thomas NicklWith Biologie 8, the C.C. Buchner publishing house has produced a book for biology teaching in Bavarian grammar schools that stands out through its consistent educational approach and use of contemporary topics. The link between subject-specific knowledge and socially-relevant themes is not limited to the purely ecological aspects of biology but is also extended to societal aspects, which provides relevance to pupils’ everyday lives. The individual exercises and information provided in the textbook require pupils to use existing knowledge and to question their preconceptions while encouraging them to apply knowledge to new contexts. The textbook is clearly oriented towards a constructivist learning theory that supports active learning. It is a stand out contemporary aid to biology teaching that contains easily comprehensible themes and methodology.
Parallelo Mathematik 5 NRW
Cornelsen, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-06-004973-8Editors/Authors: Hamza Dehne, Martin Cichon
The clear design and structure of this modern textbook for year 5 mathematics teaching in North Rhine-Westphalia make it easy for young pupils to use. The simple layout and separation of themes and levels through the use of colour are exemplary and enable both pupils and teachers to easily navigate through the textbook. With this textbook the Cornelsen publishing house has successfully realised the skill area of ‘mathematical communication’ specified in the curriculum by providing diverse exercises and methods that stimulate exchanges of ideas and information transfer.