VOLUME 15 (2023), ISSUE 1: Beyond Representation: The Visual Analysis of History Textbooks and Other Educational Media
Introduction. Visual Literacy in History Education: Textbooks and Beyond, Mischa Gabowitsch and Anna Topolska
Symbolic Nation-building through Images in Post-Yugoslav History Textbooks, Tamara P. Trošt and Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc
Politics of the Visible and the Invisible: War Images in Japanese and American Textbooks, Jessica Fernanda Conejo Muñoz, Daniel Veloza-Franco and Julieta de Icaza Lizaola
Shaping Memory through Visuality: War Photography in Polish Secondary School History Textbooks after 1989, Anna Topolska
Imagining Peru and the Motherland from the Barracks: Memory, Text and Image in the 1942 First Year Level Military Manual, Lourdes Hurtado
Visuals in History Textbooks: War Memorials in Soviet and Post-Soviet School Education from 1945 to 2021, Mischa Gabowitsch
Visual History Lessons Told by Der Spiegel: Picture-type Analysis of History Narratives Conveyed by the German Magazine, Horst-Alfred Heinrich and Claudia Azcuy Becquer
Looking without Seeing: Visual Literacy in Light of Holocaust Photography, Christophe Busch