Volume 10 (2018), ISSUE 2
Understanding Mobile Educational Content: A Comparative Approach, Andres Chiappe
Explaining Political Apathy in German Civic Education Textbooks, Alexander Wohnig
Epistemic Messages in Textbooks for Vocational Education and Training, Florian Berding and Ilka Lau
The Geopolitics of Environmental Education: An Analysis of School Textbooks in the MENA Region, Tobias Ide, Abdulkhaleq Alwan , Khalil Bader, Noureddine Dougui, Maysoun Husseini, Elarbi Imad, Farouk Gaafar Abdel Hakim Marzouk, Amany M. Taha Moustafa and Riem Spielhaus
Nationalsozialismus in deutschen, österreichischen und englischen Lehrwerken der Sekundarstufe I (1980-2017), Philipp Mittnik
The Concept of “Consumption” in School Textbooks during the Democratic Transition in Spain (1977-1982), Mariano González-Delgado and Manuel Ferraz-Lorenzo
What You See Is What You Get. The Algerian War, French Textbooks and How Violence Is Remembered, Alexandra Binnekade